Investors wanted

Over the years my wife and I have had a number of ideas for products and their marketing.

I am currently looking for investors for our latest venture. We are selling shares in lots of 1, 5, and 10 thousand dollars.

What we’re working on is a healthy, vegan substitute that preserves the oily aromatic pungency of the pizza lovers’ delight, the anchovy.

Get in on the ground floor. An opportunity like this doesn’t come around every day. PM me for details.

As of now our working name for this product is…

The Unchovy.

i will buy a share for $3

Raphael, do that many people like anchovies that much? And if you are a vegan, how would you know what they’re supposed to taste like?

Constructive questions from someone who truly cares about you.

Think about it. You decide to go vegan. You miss anchovies. There is no delight in pizza any more. The Unchovy is for you!

That or this whole thing is a joke.

P.S. - what about the cheese?

Can’t you read?

Nice to hear from you again, Paula.

Like New Yorkers (the city that is), Unitarian Universalists, and homose…no scratch that one, most vegans are not born that way; they remember, oh yes, they remember.

So are you in or out?

Oh and when, Missy, did I stop being your hero?

Well, can I at least be your main man?

Ohhhhh! The hard sell.

Amen, brother! Amen. So can I put you down for a 1, 5 or 10 thousand dollar share?

Surely, Dave you know me well enough to know that I never joke. I know, and don’t call you Shirley.

Hey works for plain vanilla vegetarians, too.

C’mon, John. These young punks join the forum, they’re gapping like mad in no time, grinding pedals left and right, hopping up 20 stairs in the wink of an eye, but they can’t read and they sure can’t spell for shit. Look at the kids sig, for cryin’ out loud. What am I supposed to say?

Exactly. You show them who is in control. Show your strength. And give them the hard sell.

So, what can I put you down for, anyway?

Anchovies? Unchovies? No anchovies for me.

Amen to that

If I had 10 thousand dollars to give you I more than would I love ancovies, and I think everyone should be able to enjoy them, even vegans. Sadly… I am flat broke, and can only say I would buy them, and love the idea.

My check is in the mail. :slight_smile:

I’ve been told I have been pretty lucky and I know this is going to be a winner.

Though when I saw the thread title, my first thought is what you see below:


raphael, it’s good to have u back
u’ve been missed

now tell me
will the unchovie taste as un-chovie as macon doesn’t quite cut the bacon?
what about a meat-based version of the caper, for us carnivores?
if u make your millions, will u invest in my latest idea?
( a set of five cheap plastic rings in different colours, none of which quite fit any of your fingers. i’m calling it a DIY MoodRing)

I think it would roll off the tongue better if it said…

It’s what your pizza has been waiting for.

Are you trying to impress your English teacher from High School? Don’t worry, she’s probably dead by now.

Well, you said there were three options to buy lots, being:
a) $1
b) $5
c) $10,000

Or at least, if someone construes it like that, he/she can read.

Klaas Bil

Thank you, Dave, for stating the…

My English teachers son attended the same university as did I at the same time as did I. My main man’s (also my demographic cohort) mom has passed, but mine has not, giving my English teacher about a 50/50 chance of being alive by my best estimation. Does that count, statistically speaking, as probably?

The Unchovy will taste so like an anchovy that, like the original, its flavor and odor will adhere to and infect any pizza that comes within 10 feet of another pizza that has it on it rendering any of those pizzas inedible to anyone who doesn’t enjoy the taste of anchovy.