I’m new to this news group and board, and I thought I’d say hello to everyone. I’ve been unicycling since 7th grade (though I didn’t do as much during high school). I’ve been juggling for atleast as long. (boy am I tired :)) I’m the proud owner of a no-name 20" uni that I learned on, and a Pashley 26" standard from unicycle.com that I bought in November.
Now that I’m in college I’d like to find some other unicyclists and jugglers to learn more. If anyone is near UNC Chapel Hill, let me know and we can ride.
I hate it when I’m looking for people to ride with and then I see somebodies responded to my post and I find out it’s this garbadge that’s not relate, so watch out for those ass holes.
I’m sorry, but hospital policy requires me to have photographic identification at all times. There is nothing to fear…as a healthcare professional, I always put health and safety first. I have not lost a patient yet, even in their dreams…
BTW: reducing evening sweets and having a small glass of warm milk prior to bedtime will help reduce bad dreams.
So you want me to drink milk?!? I’ll get diarreah! I might even die from consumption of such high quantities of milk!! I’m lactose intolerant!! OMG!! You want me to die!! O_O Or are you like Dr. Korvorkian or whatever? Trying to put me outta my misery, huh? Well, it’ll take more then milk to put me down!! GWAHAHAH!!!
hey good job guys, jo tries to make a proper introduction and yous make him think we’re all nuts! * twitch*. Well i’d like to appoligize Jochem and say welcome to the board * hiccup* if your still around, please excuse those guys over there and post as much as you want * twitch*
hears someone yell " dog pile on Andrew!!!" then suddenly everything goes black*
it’s especially good to have another juggling/freestyling unicyclist on the board as these crazy trials/muni types gets a bit much sometimes .-)
(u can tell?)
i’m a pretty keen hobby juggler
my juggling aim for twenty-oh-four is to get to 100 throws with 5 rings and my uni aim is one foot riding (i’m still battling)
i’d also like to get to 50 passes with 8 clubs and i want to get some serious passing-while-idling together with some of the guys at the club
i’d love to spend some more time on my contact juggling but i keep saying that
i recently picked up poi-swinging and was quite amazed to find out that it’s just about exactly as easy as i always thougth it was
at least now when i tell someone poi is ‘nonsense’ i can back it up by doing some of the (slightly) harder moves
in my intro i assumed u do mostly freestyle unicycling
is that correct?
Thanks for the welcomes. And all the useless, yet entertaining posts.
Gild- yes, I am mostly a freestyle rider, but a little light off-road now and then never hurt anyone (or maybe it does reading some of the stories here). Those are some excellent juggling goals. I need to find a passing partner at college, and contact juggling is always fun, another thing on my list to learn along with poi. I suggest diablos and devil sticks for fun alternatives. Good luck.
xwonka - don’t worry, I’ll keep the most replies going