Introducing myself and a few others

Hi, my name is Russ, and I come from Crawley, West Sussexestershire.
So do a couple of my good friends, who also recently started unicycling, but are probably not on here yet, so hi to Martin, Darren and Dan.

We’re pretty addicted to this new crazy passtime, which means riding out pretty much every night now the weather is kinda ok.

So, this is a call. Anyone around and about wanna hook up, let us know…

Russ :smiley:

Welcome to the forums!!!

One thing though, always search before asking a question, cause almost all questions have been asked, all you gotta do is find them =p other then that, well there is nothing else, oh be nice =p there we go lol

I’m off to school now!!! weee!..

hey, cool another few British unicyclists, thats nice.

I will be happy to answer any queries you have, just PM me or something and i will try to otherwise i will show you a link where to get it.



British unicyclists are definetly growing in numbers. Do you know about the British Unicycle Convention (BUC)? If not, look Here Hope to see you there?

Ride on!

Hey, are you guys using this feature of Add yourselves and see if there are others nearby that you can contact.

Hey Greg, thanks for the info, i’ve added myself now.

well GILD hasn’t been on in a while so i’ll say it:

That’s one more of us and one less of them. Or maybe it’s 4 in this case.

Welcome to the wonderful world of one wheel.
