Introducing Candyapplecorn


I’m a new unicyclist and member of I’m in my late 20’s and a resident of Saratoga, CA. I got my 1st (not last!) unicycle five weeks ago: a 26" Torker LX. It’s more fun than I imagined it’d be. Every day I look forward to taking my unicycle out, and the only reason I don’t do it more is because it really wears my body out (crotch, thighs, butt, knees). When I come back from a ride I start thinking about my next one. Really, unicycling is a blast!

I spent months telling people I was thinking about unicycling, and more months agonizing over which model to buy. In retrospect I should have just purchased a cheap 20" off Craigslist, rather than spend months debating which model to purchase. I’d be so much more skilled now!

That being said, I think I’ve been doing alright on my “unicycling journey”. It took me somewhere between two and three weeks just to ride around my block once (it’s not infested with pitfalls and wild animals, I just took that long to learn). I’ve come along way since that point though; just yesterday I finally learned to hop on my 20" Sun Flat Top. Now my unicycle has two features: being a unicycle, and/or a pogo stick.

The other week I did a 10-11 mile round trip ride up and down a highway (all hills, took a few days to recover), and just yesterday I did a ~5 mile ride along a rough hiking path. I try to unicycle 2-4 miles every day, or practice skills on my 20" for hours. I’m actually about to head off and do another unpaved ride up to the Los Gatos dam :sunglasses: .

I’ve never met a unicyclist in real life and I’ve only ever seen unicyclists twice in my life, from a long distance away. That’s something I think could be better about this growing sport: the small community. That’s where you guys- the internet- come in! It was thanks to forums, YouTube and a Discord chat server with a pro unicyclist always offering helpful advice, that I was able to come this far. The community is friendly :slight_smile: I’m doing my part by being as friendly and approachable as I can when I go out. Speaking of going out, I’ve been doing it about a bazillion times more since I started unicycling. Just another ambassador for the unicycling community.

I’ve joined my local meetup group and will finally get to meet unicyclists IRL on I think Sunday the 25th. It’s a beginner’s meetup, so I’ll practice riding backwards and idling I guess. I’m a (funemployed) programmer/web developer, so I’m also thinking about making some kind of unicyclist networking site, but that’s definitely on the backest of burners. It shouldn’t be so hard to find other uni-buddies!

Barring disability, I’m gonna unicycle until I can’t anymore. I’m going to carefully push myself while avoiding breaking my body (problematic knees). Someday I hope to be doing 20+ mile rides on a 36". Terry is a badass and I hope I’ll be unicycling past 60 too. In the meanwhile I hope to get into this community, hence my introduction here. Looking forward to our years together, Unicyclists!

Hey candyapplecorn, for some reason your greeting message had gotten down in the 2nd page of new messages and I didn’t notice it until just now, and apparently not many others have either. Thanks for the intro writeup. It’s great to see how much enthusiasm you have for unicycling.

You’re right about the difficulty in finding local riding buddies. The internet seems to have had a lot to do with unicycles and unicycling getting to where they are now, letting unicyclists around the world know about each other, but we’re still pretty thin on the ground in the real physical world. California seems to be represented at least as well as any area here. I know how big the state is; but still, in the general Bay Area there must be at least a few others.

Good luck with the riding. It sounds like you’re off to a fine start.

Welcome! Welcome!

Welcome CA.

You live pretty close to Nathan Hoover, Corbin Dunn and a bunch of other very interesting unicyclists! Hope you will be meeting them soon, through your Meetup group or otherwise (I’m in the Sacramento area).