Intro from ID

Hello! I’m posting from the handle of Idaho (just a Huffy huck from WA.) I’ve been unicycling since last month. And so far, I’m obsessed! I’ve actually had a unicycle for quite awhile, (a Torker Unistar LX that I bought off Craigslist for $20) but the seat post was too short. 10 years later (give or take) a Sun Flat Top unicycle was donated to the shop that I run and a lady was interested in buying one, so I had to figure out which one to sell! So Oct. 15th, I went into our back alley, and thankfully enough, the SUN had a long enough seatpost, so upon crashing a billion times in 2 hours at least (so glad I saved those soccer shinguards), I almost could go forward! I was hooked!

I thought I was a pretty decent cyclist. After trying to unicycle and just “expecting to get it” for almost a month, I can say I have so much more respect for everyone that makes it look easy! It takes way more leg/core strength, guts, coordination and cardio (especially hopping) than I imagined! I didn’t think of myself as much of a wimp, either, but this was one of the most dedication-intensive activities I have attempted (which include rugby, ice hockey, fly-fishing, riding fixed-gear, snowboarding, surfing etc.)

Anyways, I sold the nice lady the SUN (seatpost was long enough for her), and got a lot of basics down sorta on the Torker. I finally decided, ENOUGH, let’s get a good uni! So I ordered a Nimbus Trials from UDC and it is AMAZING! I used the Velo saddle on it for a bit that came on the SUN (I didn’t want to mess up my new saddle {I upgraded to KH Steet when I ordered it}) but as soon as I switched I was regretting not doing sooner b/c it was a game changer! I have my KH poster hanging up at the shop and can’t sleep because I keep thinking about unicycling. It’s definitely on the list of: “Things I Wished Started Sooner, but Sure Glad I Did.”

I didn’t join a hockey team and quit drinking (so I’ll have more $$ to buy another uni of course!) I’ll probably play some hockey, though–I drive the zamboni, just was planning on riding more this winter anyway (got a fat bike). I gave my friend the Torker, so hopefully he’ll catch the bug, too! Sorry for the long introduction, but really thankful this forum is here, I’ve learned a lot!

Hi Jener8or,

welcome to the forum !

Unicycling is very addictive and the more you ride the better it gets :wink:

Wait until you tried to unicycle in snow before writting off unicycling in winter :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Siddhartha V.! It’s definitely gotten better! I’m hoping I can gradually increase the time I can practice (I don’t have great knees) but riding consistently has made them feel better! I’m really excited, actually to practice during winter. The trials tire should be able to mob through most snow, minus black ice, and it’s nice working at the ice rink because the padded mats are awesome to ride on! I’m looking to get some mats for our garage, and with some luck, maybe I’ll get better at staying in a smaller area so I can practice there, too. A fatty uni is definitely on the Christmas/birthday Wish List (although I might have to sell a few bicycles first! ;)) Thanks again for the welcome and looking forward to seeing you around the forum!

Yes, hi Jener8or!

Definitely. Although we don’t get a lot of snow here, I never miss a chance to ride when we do. The Eskimos are right to have 40 words for snow or however that goes because every time I’ve done it it’s been completely different but it’s always been a blast.