Hello! I’m posting from the handle of Idaho (just a Huffy huck from WA.) I’ve been unicycling since last month. And so far, I’m obsessed! I’ve actually had a unicycle for quite awhile, (a Torker Unistar LX that I bought off Craigslist for $20) but the seat post was too short. 10 years later (give or take) a Sun Flat Top unicycle was donated to the shop that I run and a lady was interested in buying one, so I had to figure out which one to sell! So Oct. 15th, I went into our back alley, and thankfully enough, the SUN had a long enough seatpost, so upon crashing a billion times in 2 hours at least (so glad I saved those soccer shinguards), I almost could go forward! I was hooked!
I thought I was a pretty decent cyclist. After trying to unicycle and just “expecting to get it” for almost a month, I can say I have so much more respect for everyone that makes it look easy! It takes way more leg/core strength, guts, coordination and cardio (especially hopping) than I imagined! I didn’t think of myself as much of a wimp, either, but this was one of the most dedication-intensive activities I have attempted (which include rugby, ice hockey, fly-fishing, riding fixed-gear, snowboarding, surfing etc.)
Anyways, I sold the nice lady the SUN (seatpost was long enough for her), and got a lot of basics down sorta on the Torker. I finally decided, ENOUGH, let’s get a good uni! So I ordered a Nimbus Trials from UDC and it is AMAZING! I used the Velo saddle on it for a bit that came on the SUN (I didn’t want to mess up my new saddle {I upgraded to KH Steet when I ordered it}) but as soon as I switched I was regretting not doing sooner b/c it was a game changer! I have my KH poster hanging up at the shop and can’t sleep because I keep thinking about unicycling. It’s definitely on the list of: “Things I Wished Started Sooner, but Sure Glad I Did.”
I didn’t join a hockey team and quit drinking (so I’ll have more $$ to buy another uni of course!) I’ll probably play some hockey, though–I drive the zamboni, just was planning on riding more this winter anyway (got a fat bike). I gave my friend the Torker, so hopefully he’ll catch the bug, too! Sorry for the long introduction, but really thankful this forum is here, I’ve learned a lot!