i know of people who will spend hours on the internet. well, i find it hard to find stuff online to keep me busy. what are some good sites you guys go to that kill time? i like miniclip.com and addictinggames.com but they get old eventually.
There is this site called unicyclist.com that is pretty good… you can search it for lots of interesting reading!
i’m bored of this site now. there’s not a whole lot going on anymore.
something for everyone
You need your sound on, but zombocom is pretty amazing, you can do anything there:
why not do something productive with your time rather than just killing it?
this summer, after 1 day that i was so bored i sat here clicking refresh to see if anyone had posted i took up runescape again. it doesnt really get old cause there r like 30 skills u can train
How about creating something for this site?
That could burn some time.
wow i just stayed on that for like 1 minute
and it just repeated itself
The only limit is yourself!
This has been posted somewhere else before but its a great site to kill some time http://whywashesad.com/
Fuck Ya!
dude is that site for real? they offer endagered species for food.
Type in your favourite old school game and enjoy.
Retrouprising: Retro Uprising - Home
Open google> click images> type; boobs> you are now set to kill time
the name says it all! Videos, games, animations, pictures and even hottie of the day!