On another thread, Amal recently wrote the word unicycle in Arabic. I thought it would be great for us to have a thread with unicycle written in as many languages as we can.
I know we could just do a cut and paste search but this is will be more fun.
We can use various size and style font as well as color.
Cool idea guys,
I’m learning arabic at University and was wondering what the word for unicycle was! Thats something i can put in my next conversation exercise,
Hi there napalm. I’m a native Arabic and have BA in English
I work as a translator in English-Arabic. So if you need any help in Arabic, just pm. I’ll be happy to help anytime
I’m totally not familiar with those Chinese characters. My Sino-Japanese-Korean dictionary is no help either…
외발자전거 In Korean breaks down to…
외 (wei) only one
발 (bal) foot, wheel
자 (ja) alone, without outside power
전 (jun) moving on wheels
거 (gu) pronouncedgu as in gut means cart or transport
yes, but people often use it to mean bike. There are a bunch of fun words that can stem from “rad” my personal favorite is motoradfreaks (sp?) as you could guess, it literally means motorcycle freaks. Lol