International Star Wars Day

May the fourth be with you.

Why the heck is there an International Star Wars Day?

For the same reason George Mallory climbed Everest.

because its there…?

for people like this guy

Does this have anything to do with the dateline of this announcement?

You have learnt your history well, Young James…

Why not we celebrate everything else over here, we celebrate st paddy’s day every year and we ain’t Irish so why not celebrate the mighty Star Wars. Chewbacca for PM

In honour of this great day, check this video out

Hey, did any british person here put ‘jedi’ as their religion when that UK census went round a few years ago??

That was fun. Even got it’s own article on

I was working on Africam Internet Radio at the time and called my show ‘The Legotla of Africam Allstars’ (legotla is a word for meeting/powwow/gathering) and all listeners immediately became ‘Africam Allstars’ when they listened to the show. A couple of UK listeners said they were going to put ‘Africam Allstar’ in the religion box of the census form.

That article makes me think that perhaps a jedi religion should be started and thus properly recognised as a true religion (and the geeky things man is capable of).

What’s your Jedi name?
First name:
Take the first three letters of your surname, then the first two letters of your first name, and put them together.

Second name: Take the first two letters of your favourite actor and add them to the first three letters of your hometown.

eg: Name: John Doe, Favourite actor: Catherine Zeta Jones, Hometown: Reading

result: Doejo Carea

Mine is Massa Towel… okay maybe this isn’t such a good idea.

LMAO :smiley: :smiley:

Cool video clip quite funny too many star wars vids suck pretty bad usually.
My Jedi name is Faran Arwor thats ok i reckon :slight_smile:

My Jedi name is Horth Viliv. I don’t like Star Wars but that is a pretty cool name!


I don’t believe in the force. I’m offended that anyone would associate Star Wars with unicycling. :roll_eyes: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

But I reckon a jedi knight would make an excellent unicyclist… can you just imagine what they could do? ooooooo

so my star wars name is
Linba Renew

i think it is a bloody brilliant idea!

Walda Jostb

Dahju Stasa

I’m not paying attention. That should be Walda Joste