interesting theory

so i was talling to this guy the other day and we were talking about how black people are the main race in sports such as football, baseball, basketball

but white people are more dominant in skateboarding, biking, unicycling :stuck_out_tongue: , ect

he sed this is cus either

1- That more black people growe up poor, and they can afford stuff like basktballs and footalls, and they dont get distracted with stuff like, unicycles, bikes, and skateboards, cus there to expensive

2- Back in the day when there was slaves, the slave owners, bred the strong male with the strongest female,and now all there kids, grandkids ect are stronger then the average person.

Sorry if this sound racist, its not ment to be, im just wondering wat u guys think about it, and whether its right or not

Have you ever seen a black person ride a unicycle for the first time. In many cases, they can go for over 50 feet from my experience, it’s incredible.

Also, I can tell you that Spencer Johnson got 2nd Place expert Freestyle in Unicon in 2002. He’s black, and he was 10 years old at the time!

The thing is, black people tend to be less attracted to such sports, but when they actually try them, they can own us all.

Over 200 people in the world have run 100 metres in less than 10 seconds. All of them were black. Black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres in their muscles than white people, making them more suited for some sports.

I would imagine the reason for your observation is cultural, if you’re brought up in a society that plays certain sports predominantly, if you see your role models playing those sports then that’s what you’re going to go for.

Yeah children always follow role models, and if thats what their role models do, chances are they will stard doing that too from a young age. And normally the younger people start the quicker they can pick up the sport and improve at a much faster rate.

A lot of this has to do with access. Think about something like snowboarding. My brother’s kids rock at snow sports, and mine have hardly done any. I live in a place where I’ve seen snow falling once in the past ten years, and he lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It’s not tough to see why his kids are better at snow sports than mine.

If you don’t have access to unicycles, or skateboards/skateparks, or mountains, or fill-in-the-blank, you’re not likely to be good at a sport that depends on access to that. You’ll find few ice hockey players or figure skaters in Chico, CA, because we’re 100 miles from the nearest ice rink.

but why would black kids have less access to these things than white kids? Sports like skateboarding were more or less designed for people who have little, they require fairly minimal equipment and can be done in the street, the modern equivalent of kicking a football around between parked cars on the street outside your house.

I’ve no doubt that i unicycle because I had access to unicycles at school, but I don’t see how this matches up with race.

theres more black kids that are poor then white kids, and footballs and basketballs are cheaper and easier to find then unicyles

maybe then we should be discussing why there are more poor black kids than white kids, or to put it more accurately, a greater proportion of black kids than white kids have low disposable income. Anyone got theories for that?

There are cultural factors and economic factors which influence which sports people choose to play.

Cricket and baseball require similar physical and metal attributes, yet cricket is much more popular in some parts of the world, and baseball in others.

There are no doubt some genetic reasons which influence how well different races do in certain types of sport. In the same way that it is fair to say that an average Zulu is taller than an average Chinese, it must surely be fair to discuss whether an average member of race X may have an advantage over a member of race Y in terms of speed, or endurance, or strength.

None of this is racist, or racialist (which is a slightly different thing). It only becomes racist or racialist if you start to take this legitimate discussion and use it to argue that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

Greyhounds and Labrador retrievers are the same species, but different races (breeds). Greyhounds are usually faster, but not “inherently superior”.

White people are the best swimmers :sunglasses:

because they have better access to swimming pools, which are incredibly expensive commodities?

Or is it a genetic advantage, time for some experiments.

I believe it is true that there is a small but measureable difference in average bone density between white people and black people that results in a slight disadvantage for black people when swimming. However, I can’t remember where I heard it so I can’t quote sources. I can only say that I filed it away in my memory as being from a reliable source at the time.

But mainly, I’m sure it is socioeconomic factors at work.

  1. Have any evidence that slave owners were almost entirely responsible for choosing all mates, over a very long period of time? No? hmmm.

  2. Have any evidence that since being freed, the ancestors of the “strong” slaves have continued to chose one another as mates, and not the ancestors of the slaves that weren’t “strong”, smoothing out the gene pool? No? hmmm.

  3. Have any evidence that American blacks with slave ancestors perform far better in the Olympics than their counterparts in Africa? No? hmmm.

Scrap that theory.