
what was the result of your latest crash/fall/accident :astonished: , and were you doing something stupid? :roll_eyes: (that’s my hand by the way

my hand.jpg

I nutted my self and got six stitches. I was riding, just riding.
EDIT: This should probably go in RSU due to its unicycling content.


huge swelling, internal bleeding and temporary blindness.

Funny you make this thread today because I broke my finger today doing an off-road rolling hop up to a cement thing. My finger got caught on the seat or something and it broke and I kept riding.

Jackie, you should post this video in slow motion.

Call security!

This belongs in Rec.Sport

I never said you have to be unicycling. you could be flying an airplane an had a(n) “crash/fall/accident” and still post it here (or walking) :roll_eyes:

last sunday I crashed while going down a steep descent.
My left hand twisted badly backwards.
So yesterday the doctor wanted a radio of my left wrist.
So the X ray man was looking at the picture and told me : “it looks like your wrist survived the crash … but the previous crash must have been terrible …”
me : " wait a minute in June I broke my right wrist not the left one"
him :" I am talking of your left wrist: see there the bone was chipped away!"
:frowning: oh oh … I’ll wear big wrist protection now!

OK, here is my broken arm photo. I did this skating vert, falling 10 feet onto concrete. I was trying to do big airs sideways, VERY dumb. Here is my arm after I broke it, looks ok but hand twisted funny.

Here is the photo before I got it fixed. My hand was permanently rotated that way and the forearm was smaller then my wrist so I figured it was broken. I couldnt even rotate my arm to shakes hands. Just palms down.

Its been broken 7 months since I broke it. Here is after the 1st surgery. that middle piece of bone was dead since I waited 7 weeks to get it fixed. I didnt know I broke my arm lol, I know, how dumb is that? Honestly, I thought it was sprained. But now my hip bone was put in the gap and the gap is filled and swollen, puffs out, it looks funny lol.

arm now, finally in a short cast but stiff.

yow :astonished: !!!
maybe i shouldn’t have started this thread

mines done sk8n so unis are safer, lol, i HOPE!

Well I’m not shure if this is from unicycle but it could be. I have problems with my back for about 4 months and i can’t ride unicycle this time.

while cleaning my house, i slipped on my vacum cleaner and slid down the steps a bit on my butt. Hurt a bit lol. Did that yestarday. Still hurts a bit.

no real injuries at the moment. I mean, i had a few bad ones from skiing, but eh.

result of a backscratcher without enough air (freestyle skiing).

was wearing a helmet, facemask and goggles during it. Promptly got blood on those also.

unicycling last year. Fell off a 20’’ box onto tar lol. Fun time with my friends though.