Ineer thigh pain- can you give a tip?

I have a bad rash on my inner thigh ( its mainly on my back leg where the back of the seat is rubbing up against my leg) every time I finish unicycling for the day when I wear jeans, regular pants or shorts. I don’t know about my K1 shorts though I think they prevent it. Also I ride intermediate trials could that be the reason? :angry: I don’t know how to fix this except of ointment lol what the hell should i do? hahahahahahha this is so funny that I’m admitting this! lol

How long are your riding sessions and what’s the temperature?

My riding session vary from a half hour to four hours a day and right now its like winter here so st times to 40 degrees and some times its 30 degrees. But I’m pretty sure I had it when it was warn here too.

Could it be a reaction caused by the combination of heat and excess laundry detergent?

Personally, I don’t have such an issue. I only bathe once per week with lye soap.

No, no excess laundry detergent and it is not hot at all here I think it is the excessive trial riding :slight_smile: but I’m not sure

It happens (happened?) to me while riding mostly trials, I guess you do SIF hopping, don’t you?
I have no advice to give you though, think of it as the price to pay to jump higher.
oh by the way, TTBTRSU!:wink:

Sorry, but what is SIF hopping? Also what is TTBTRSU?

stop rubbing the seat against your leg

problem solved


P.S. this thread belongs in the forum where people talk about unicycling, not here

Good idea

but wait if I do that, the seat will be a stick out in front of me like three more freakin inches and that will make it all wobbly :wink: :wink: :wink:

and can I change it to another category?

SIF= Seat In Front
TTBIRSU (not TTBTRSU as I wrote earlier, my bad) = …read maestro’s PS :wink:

I think I know what the problem is. Well first of all I’m using a old saddle that has a kinda jagged edge (its a K1 giraffe.) also I’m kind of knocked kneed so that is most likely contributing to the pain. I recently ordered a new naomi saddle though