In need of a french translation...

you like cockerels?

le coq

Et vous donc !?!? Parking, bus, shopping, etc etc ! Ici, c’est stationnement, autobus, magasinage ! Ah là là ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just kidding, without you, we wouldn’t be here today ! Thank you !


yes zzzag you are somewhat unjust: I wage a regular battle against managers who use english words in a crazy manner (“il faut supporter le client!”) and I try to write documents where almost all english words are adapted/translated. for this which is a canadian institution is helping me a lot.
(for english speakers a side note: I am not against cross-language borrowings but against barbarians who do not know their own language :angry: by the way this applies also to people who are supposed to be native speakers of english and build crazy sentences that violate the laws of grammar/logic/communication)

Indeed, french Canadians make great efforts to find new french words to avoid anglicism’s… This was just a sidenote, as a native canadian I find it weird to be a “anti anglicism extremist”. Languages evolve and I’m glad we don’t speak the “middle age french”.
By the way, borrowing english words seems fair when you look at the number of english words that actually are french words;)

totally agree with you on that.

Plus canadians use english for pretty much everything to do with cars and stuff, its weird :stuck_out_tongue:

but ehehe it doesnt really matter :stuck_out_tongue: love people from quebec really