In Class

I’m currently in my web design class, and I’m bored because I finished the work that’s due tomorrow, yesterday, and I have an in with the teacher so I can get away with anything I see fit
so anyway anyone ells is/has/does post/ing in class? and what class? anyone post in a none computer class? or from like a phone while in class?

Looks like you have no friends with class.

I’m in spanish class.

I don’t go to school.

So take that suckas!

I love messaging in class i do it all the time

they have blocked like every possible website that sound fun but i can still get on this

The people around me arnt too good for conversation.

The one always want me to tell him how to do EVERYTHING, when I myself am learning this all too, even trys to bumb me for test questions or even copy my project so he doesnt have to do it, but I dont take that crap.
The other guy, hes ok, but I don’t have that much of an interest to talk to him about anything besides our current assignment.

I do have a friend hear or there but they also occupy themselves with other things

ohh, there’s a HELLA easy way to get around ANY blocker, but, i really don’t wana give out my secrets, nor do I use it anymore, a bunch of kids got in trouble for it:p

i´m often posting while speciality technic class because thats the only subject i´m at a computer in school beside of computer technic but there we never have time to go into the internet…:smiley:

Well I live in my school, so…

Same with my school, theyve even blocked and google image searches!

No, so many people have been banned from the computers and reported to the police for getting round the blockers.
Yeah… my school is stupid

i hear sites like vtunnel and nowebfilters will get you around the blockers.

You have an IN?

Is she haut?

I think he meant to say, he “has her at the inn”.

so you home school?

wait how d oyou play hookey

I’m talking about a let just a program that runs a proxy, not a website or anything like that.

OK, so it wasn’t the best chose of words, its a guy, I don’t know if your into that, but I’m not.
I meant that he doesn’t really care what I do while in class because we trust me and stuff, its a long story why, well its short, but iI’m lazy and I have some work to do (I’m in class).

if you don’t to school, you play hooker, not hookey :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you saying that you’ve got him fooled? That you’re lazy but he doesn’t know it?

That he trusts you, but you are abusing that trust and taking advantage of his inaccurately high opinion of you?!

So you can waste your time in class?

WELL, yes, oh, don’t worry, I get all my work done, he gives us more time then I need.

hmm, im in study hall. It’s really boring. =[

You look like a hippy!