im starting high school

yeah im starting high school and i was wondering if ne1 could give me some pointer about what to do how to avoid bullies whille riding to school on my uni

  1. How are you just now starting high school?
  2. Don’t ride the uni. People suck…at least in Matt and I’s neighborhood

Hokay, the only way to beat bullies, is too outsmart them.
Even if they think they know what they are talking about, you can still beat them, a way i find best is too seem a lot smugger than u are, this makes them feel stupid
if they say a gay joke about having no balls, if that is the best they can come up with, don’t worry about it, and usually, try to twist what u say so it confuses them,
but the worst thing u can do is show off, don’t show off to anyone unless they blankly ask u to show them something, and when with lots of people ,stick to doing what u know , don’t put urself on the line
most of all, bullies are cocksuckers, and depending on waht kind, i am sure u will be able to beat them at their petty little games
sometimes u can even beat them by letting the m have a shot, cos when they realise how hard it is to ride, they will be in awe of u
hope this helps

What they^^^ said.

And also, be sure to use a coker, so you can easily outrun them.

I wouldn’t suggest showing up at high school alone with a unicycle especially if you’re starting HS (and you don’t really know anybody) and most of them are bigger than you.

My friends and I only started uni’ing in the last year, and 3 of us started at once (2 more joined later) . Actually I don’t think there really even are any “bullies” here (and most of them are just talk and we could kick their ass anyway). Yeah lots of stoner kids and wannabe gangsta’s but I don’t think any of them would just slash a tire or seat for the hell of it. We let people try our uni’s so they know it isn’t something easy and they respect that.

One thing you could do is to let them try to ride the unicycle and make them fall in front of their friends making them realize that it’s harder than it looks. The main thing that will get bullies to pick on you is how you react to their comments, so if you get annoyed and do something that entertains them, they will obviously keep doing it, so avoid that. Good luck. :slight_smile:

I have actually found when I ride my unicycle. I get more respect than when I don’t. Then as carsonpalooza said let them try. they will be in awe at your amazingness.

this is partially reiteration but since I am starting high school too I would not reccomend riding a unicycle unless you want to have four years of shame. Just because you enjoy it doesn’t mean that in the eyes of crew cut high school kids that it is something admirable. Rather, it is an invitation for making your life miserable.

High school is way better than any other schools, like middle school.

High school is way easier than my middle school too!

“Bullies” are a thing of the past. there is alot of stonerz like “” said and dumb kids that might try some crap in front of there friends, but otherwise there will be no trouble.

me guess is that everyone will think its kewl

do you live in a large city, where theres lotsa bullies?
in my small city, there aren’t too many people who would do anything…most of 'em just laugh, which is okay with me (:

my advice is hit the bullies in the stomach first, not the face. then once they get hit in the stomach they will be taken off guard and you can pwn them. good luck.

no no, what you do is hold up your hands and act like you’re going to hit them, so they’re getting ready to take the punch, and while they’re distracted, kick 'em in the balls!
then run away.

Should be safe

Dude i ride my unicycle in the school and no one touchs me. A unicycle obviuosly attracts attention so you’ll have lots of people to stand up for you if a bully does come by.

If i were you i wouldn’t worry about it

after thought

I actually have had stoner/bullies come up to me and about four people got in between me and him in order to save his life in case i tried to kill him if he got to close to my babe (unicycle) :slight_smile: :smiley:

Tell them you know Andrew Carter. Then they’ll leave you alone. Or tell them you’re John Howard’s son.

Just make sure that people don’t come at you with paddles yelling “FRESHMAN!!!”…than you’re out of luck…

Jus bring a large knife/gun and a platinum grill, make sure you dont smile or laugh at all, you should always be mean muggin.

Haha, yeah. Violence solves all of life’s problems.:wink:

AHAHAHAHAH- Harper my good man, i can not find any flaw with your first part of advice for detracting bullies, but saying you are john howards son is not a good move. This is because most bullies are so dumb that they do not know who john Howard is, and also you immediately alienate anyone who celebrates diversity and might possibly stand up for you because you ride a unicycle!
Most sensible people in this country try to distance themselves from the war criminals- not use them as a threat to stop a beating (if that even happens anymore)
When i was at high school i rode my unicycle around a fair bit and never copped any shit for it.

dont worry about it… there are alot more cool people anyway…
