i'm so happy i just got it back

:angry: a day ago i was so angry at myself i just couldnt hop up onto the platforms that my dad made me! but then today i finally figgered it out!

you have to lean back to do rollin hops i was just trying to jump without leaning. if you have any more tips for rollin hops post 'em here:)

Hey, delta, you’re starting something like four threads per day and you only joined three days ago. These aren’t earth shattering threads, either. Mostly they are topics that have been heavily covered in the past that can be easily searched. Why don’t you put the brakes on before you start a thread about Maguras.

I think Delta is just so over the moon that he can’t help but start new threads and spread the news with the unicycling community. :smiley:

shut up its fun and the search feature sucks so put a sock in it jerks

Is this how you address your elders at home? Your peers at school? Is this how you expect to get along with others in the real world?

It won’t work there, and it doesn’t work here either.

In case you haven’t noticed, this is the Unicyclist community. The definition of community is “friendship between different people or groups, and a sense of having something in common”. We’ll treat you like a friend here, but you have to treat us like friends, too.

Don’t piss in our pool and we won’t sh*t in your bed. Deal?

Relax delta, we are all entitled to our opinions on this forum and you should just respect it.

1) I wonder that too also.
2) Exactly, listen to maestro on that paragraph Delta cause its the truth.
3) That is a funny way of explaining it. But makes perfect sense at the same time.

Would this be a good time for me to re-introduce the idea that new forum members should not be able to create threads? There should be a trial period where they can only reply in threads that already exist. What better way to get people used to the idea of finding topics instead of re-inventing them?

I like this idea, but I there is a flaw in it. If somebody joins because they want to ask a question that hasn’t been discussed in another thread, how would they do it? They could pose the question in a thread about a similar topic, but it wouldn’t get the same amount of attention as if they had started a new thread for it, and they would be less likely to get a good answer.

I rarely disagree with John Foss

I think everyone should be able to join and make dumb or redundant threads, because it serves a purpose and fosters a feeling of community. This is the go to place to post a question about unis.

I think John just gets bored that there aren’t enough questions posted that only he can answer ! And it is kinda fun when we get one of those. Everyone’s thinking, “I have no idea, maybe John Foss will answer this one.” LOL:)

Can you provide an example of a newbie question that hasn’t been asked yet?

While you’re researching that, I’ll point out that someone who really needs “new” information will probably be able to figure out how to PM or send emails to forum members like myself who include their emails in their sig lines. Or go to one of the myriad web sites listed here to do more research or find more email addresses.

Really. If the question isn’t about what unicycle to buy, why pedals thread the wrong way or what UPD stands for, it’s in like the 1 percentile. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t confuse an answer with an opinionated history lesson… :wink:

actually the first time i went on here was to find an easier way to get a try-all tyre off. And i believe the first thread was for designing a unicycle stand for school. happy now :smiley:
Most of usual questions were answered for me by reading, not asking.

:):):slight_smile: reminds me of a guy who said “if you throw that pasta in my face I will take a sh*t in your bed”

the aftermath was pretty funny, particularly because I did not throw the pasta and it was not my bed.

Some people don’t joke about those kind of things.

You’re right, they might be able to get an answer by emailing somebody like you. But, they would still possibly miss out on some information that somebody else might have been able to provide, something that somebody who was able to start a thread wouldn’t miss out on.

There are times when a new forum member might want to start a thread for a reason other then asking a simple newbie question. Maybe somebody is doing a project for school, or is just curious and wishes to pose an opinion question to a large community of unicyclists. For example,

“Have you lost weight since you began unicycing?”

“Have you ever been made fun of/beat up for unicycling?”

“Do you find that the balance that you practice while unicycling helps you in other parts of your life?”

“Was your first unicycle a gift or did you decide to buy it yourself?”

Even though some of have been discussed, the person doing the research might want to ask the question to a specific group of unicyclists, like an age group, in which case they would need to make a new thread in order to get the best answers.

Why does it have to be a “newbie” question? People might join the forum in order ask a general question.

“When was the 180 unispin invented and by who?”

“When was the 360 unispin invented and by who?”

Maybe they want to buy/sell a unicycle or unicycle parts and would ask something like…

“I found an old unicycle in my attic, would anyone like to purchase it?”

“Does anyone have a unicycle that I can purchase?”

“Does anyone have a KH Fusion Freeride saddle that I can purchase?”

The idea is not to limit them forever, I was thinking two weeks or so. Yes, there would be some hardship for every 100th new member or so, but I have a hard time being sympathetic about that because when I was a newbie no such resources existed. In most cases, two weeks isn’t going to kill you. In fact I’ll guess that in 99% of the cases, the user is looking for something that’s been covered at least three different times here.

For the rest, there’s always the PM/email/Web route. This route can include asking an existing member to post something for them.

We don’t know, but it’s safe to guess it was at least 100 years ago. Creating a new thread for those questions would not help.

eBay or Craigslist work. But for buying/selling I would make an exception. It’s all up to Gilby of course, but if he could, I’d ask if it were possible to only allow posting in the Trading Post. Then people would post their off-topic newbie questions in there, but since I seldom look at the Trading Post I’d be happy with that. :slight_smile:

eBay and Craigslist again. And if people are selling in the Trading Post without contact information, what are they thinking?

Yes, UDC and others. Did you mean a used one?

Anyway, it’s all theoretical unless Gilby suddenly decides to start doing this. BTW, if the 360 wasn’t invented by Mell Hall or someone even earlier in unicycling history, it may have been invented by the same guy who started coasting, Joakim Malm from Sweden.

T-shirts! Get your t-shirts! :smiley:


hey maestro

the reason i said that is because there are people like you, where they post thousands of posts and they dont get reprimanded. and no i dont talk to people like that unless they’ve said something annoying or unfair. i just dont think peolple should be such stuck up hypocrits although being a humble and honest person i am willing to apologize to those people whom i may have offended and make peace with them.:slight_smile:

if i had the money i would buy that

+1 on that.

How is calling yourself humble being humble?

I am a new member myself, so i try to read posts before i ask questions. I have never started my own thread here, and id like to keep it that way for awhile.