I'm resigning from the JC forum.

I quit.

Rock is dead.
Agnosticism is delusional.
Liberalism is a lie.
Material existence is the only basis of the UNIverse.


BluntRM, you will be missed. As far as alter egos go, you have been a delight. But as far as alter egos go, we can only imagine how high maintenance you are to keep up.



Maestro, post-modernism is worthless.

Raphael, is Billy.

Did you omit a question mark or include an unnecessary comma? And if the former, is Billy what?

Give my best to DK.

They sell great bacon at Wal-Mart.

That was quick. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.



I like that Originally Posted by Karl Marx thing. What forums does he hang out on? :wink:

BluntRM, I’ll miss you, old man! Come back whenever you want to. You’re always welcome. :slight_smile:

They had better do, because Maestro8’s bacon looks extremely cheap and nasty. Could it be any thinner?!

Proper bacon from a proper butchers is where it’s at. Mmmmmmmm…



Is liberalism too conservative???



Oh! I get it. You’re responding to the PM you got from Raphael, about the conspiracy, and that he believes that Blunt is really DK…

Raphael, BTM, doesn’t matter. Those two are one the same.

Har Har.

Theres no way I could be Mr. BLUNT. You think a 15 year old can write deep and eloqently?

Just like UniTyler took the WebCourse on How to write like a 15 year old girl

You took a course on How to write like a 15 year old boy. You don’t exist. You are a persona in Yoops and Raphael’s mind.

But nice try.

You really did not say why, but since JJuggle (Raphael Lasar, posting from the infamous Matawan Prison in New Jersey) was so quick to respond, I think he feels guilty about how he kept responding to you in such a confusing manner, acting like you were really me, the way Yoops thinks you are really DK, and the 39 year old guy living in his mom’s basement writes like a 15 year old girl and UniTyler.

Anyway, if you want, you could clear things up, cuz I knwo Raphael really feels bad about chasing you away. He’s sensitive about it and all. He’s actually a nice guy, I don’t know what got into hims, But it may have been Info Overload.

The ball’s in your court.