i'm new

hey all,
im new

names sam, i have just been gettin back into unicycling after not having one for a few years… kinda full on addicted now.

found this place
you’ll see me around

oh yea and if anyone reading this can tell me how the seat on the torker dx is, that would be dope.

welcome to the fora. The seat on the DX is harder than the KH fusion… i know that much. someone with a DX will be along shortly…


DX seats are ultra comfy. They are kind of large, but they work great for riding somewhat long distances.

DX user here- The older 05 seat is very nice a squishy; softer than any KH seat ive sat on. But the newer red one thats on the 06 DX is very thick and somewhat very soft… i didnt much like it so i switched for my thinner LX seat for my trials.


Yeah, I bought a kh fusion and the seat on the dx is quite a bit softer than the fusion. But I converted it to air so it’s very comfortable now.