I'm NEW to uniing!!! eeeee

I’m just bored… I have no friends…!!

AND…Same kid as above…I’m sure you can see that…but yeah…okey…then…well anywho!!..I can slef mount and stuff, but I can’t stay on the uni for very long, my boyfriend who has been unicycling for some time now, just tells me to put all my weight on the seat, how do you do that!!! after I get on it, I ride for a good few mins, then I fall plop how can I stay on it!

It seems like all you need is a little more practice. Look at dudewithasock’s journal, it might help some.

Are you Jerricks Girlfriend by anychance??..Anyways welcome to the fora. Lots of friendly people here. But your boyfriend is right…just keep all your weight on the seat…Its no hard once you get into it.
Nad hers another link to try Link

Nice to be referenced like that. :smiley:

I’m not sure what the problem is with putting your weight on the seat. Basically, you can distribute your weight to the seat or the pedals (and later on, to the left/right pedal individually). Just relax some of the pressure off the pedals and your weight will have nowhere to go put gather onto the seat, which helps you stay more balanced. It’s one of those skills that becomes second nature to you after you learn to ride decently.

Sera? :astonished: :smiley:

I can’t help out much but have fun learning

It’s the famous Sera. Nice to meet you.

Try sitting on the unicycle and not moving at all…use some support to hold on to, so you won’t fall, and just sit there. Concentrate on resting as much of your weight on the seat as possible. That should help.

Now get her hooked on MR Jerrick.

This better be Jerrick’s girlfriend, or I will feel like a complete dumbass

thats funny

Yeah, this is Sera, I just got back from her house, so I made sure.

Thinks for the tips, its what I have already been doing, shell just need more practice and shell get it quickly. She can already go quite a long distance, a couple hundred feet at a time, but then sometimes she mounts then fall afterwards. More practice is all that is needed. =p

Now to get her on MR!!! lol

What’s MR? Jer don’t tell me I’m deprived of a childhood…tear just this year I had my first koolaid jammer…it was soo good!! and how does the monkey know me? hmm cool, someone in texas knows my name

MR is the thread Most Reply’s. [THREAD=21964]http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27264&page=5048[/THREAD]

I’m sure jerrick has already told you though… :roll_eyes:

He’s got some explaining to do… :roll_eyes:

Jer did not tell me, actually when he was over we were too busy play that slap the hand game to the song Carmin Burana O fortuna…Yes we’re dorks, it was to hot to uni though, still is, and I really want too…but now I’m at my friends house…and this has nothing to do with what we were talking about…But yeah, she’s talking to me about touching…

How was singing?

Oh, yeah, MR is like a chat room here, its fun, specailly now cause its going fast. You should make your first post in there.:smiley:

it was fine, I was being soo lazy in it, I’m like…ehh…rr…omg! lex got huchie nails! lol it’s soo funny!:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Eww, those arent gonna last that long… lol

Did you ask her about O fortuna yet?

Edit: you should REALLY come and post all this in MR, it belongs there more, JC, just conversation if for anything not unicycle related, like birthdays, cars, politics, religion, whatnot.

R.S.u, is used for more serious unicycle topics.

Mr, most replys, which is in JC, is like a giant chat room, anything goes! ish.

oo no I did not, and she’s gonna get me that song on the fifth element, …eww lex is humping me…lol this is hot…lol anywho you know what song Im talking about
oo I’m gonna make my first post in the thing!! yay!!
now be gone with all ye!!