im making stop motion movies...any ideas?

i got my hands on some free stop motion software and a cheep mic and camera and i have all the legos i could ever need…so i thought y not make lego stop motion movies…it seemed 2 all come 2 gether untill the part of…what are the movies going 2 be about…i was stuck so i thought 2 list the help of fellow unicyclist for they are a creative bunch

plz help me come up with ideas

ps. i was also wondering if some ppl on the forums would want 2 do the voice overs seeing as i can only bend my voice so much

You do know there is a whole community of lego movie makers right?

I made a few lego stop motion movies though before I realized anyone else was even doing it. The difficulty of course is making them walk in a way that looks even semi-natural. But of course instead of using mini-figs you could do something a little more abstract like that one music video.

where can i find this comunity sounds intresting
o and stop motion guy what software ya using i would like it becouse i got all the suplies 2 make some

Fell in Love with a girl - White stripes…right?

I don’t know go use google like the rest of the world

It was the white stripes, but I think it was a different song. I can’t remember what song it was at the moment though.

i’ve made a couple vids of leggo guys fighting. i like to include matrix style things like running up walls or wierd camera turns in the middle of action. the one theme i always stuck with though was at the end a monkey would come and kill everyone

Here is a cheesy lego stop motion movie I made a while ago. Its not that good but its funny at least to me.

that movies was way cool, how do i get some of that software you all got?

You definitely need to work unicycles in there somehow. A Lego unicycle could actually stay upright if you give it a flat bottom. Woot!