After asking around on this forum I have finally decided to get a Torker DX.I’m pretty excited to get it!
Cool. What year? 20" or 24"? I have a 2006 24" Torker DX muni, although it doesn’t get much use since I got my 20" Qu-ax splined.
I have a 20" '06 DX with an '07 frame. It treats me well.
I’d recommend getting the '06 or '07 model, Nyte. I think those are much better than the '05, or anything before that.
Yea,I’m getting the 20’’ 06 model.Whats the difference between 06 and 07?
The '07’s frame is stronger. There have been a lot of problems with the 06 frame breaking at the weld at the fork (the part where the seat post splits to go over the wheel). The '07 frame has a collar there to help prevent that.
lol I know what I fork is… When you say alot of problems,do you mean its pretty common for them to break?Other than that are they pretty much equal?
I dunno how familiar you are with unicycles. Most new people don’t know much about the makeup…I know I certainly didn’t.
Most peoples’ '06 frames break in about 6 months. There should be a 1-year warranty on the '06 though, so if yours does break, you can just send it in, and get a brand new '07 frame, which has that collar I was talking about. Besides that collar, I’m pretty sure the two frames are identical.
Not most people. That’s a common exaggeration. You only hear about the people whose frames do end up breaking - people aren’t going to make posts about how their frame didn’t break today.
My frame didn’t break today.
Ohh sheee-it.
I’m not exactly new,I’ve been riding for 5-6 years. I didn’t know much about the uni models and stuff like that though.BTW…Are there any upgrades that I could get to make my DX better?
Oh, cool. Have you made any videos of yourself riding?
I don’t really know. You could try pming johnfoss…he’s pretty knowledgeable about unicycling stuff in general.
Yes! First off I’d suggest getting new pedals. Today mine broke and I am gonna have to order some new ones. Before a peice of the pedal actually broke off, the bearings got all loose and there was a ton of play in them. I tried tightening them but they just kept getting loose. So yeah, get better pedals.
Me and my friends actually started to make a video,but since it was their camera they just filmed a bunch of I guess once I get a feel for my new uni I’ll make a vid.I’ve only been doing serious tricks and stuff for about 2 years so I’m not super great…yet I plan on some pretty intense riding soon!
Thanks guys for the help!
I’ve got both an 05 and an 06 24" DX. Liked the 05 so much, I bought an 06 so I could leave the 05 at work for lunchtime rides. Hard to beat this uni for the price. Splined hub, pretty bomb proof frame, though I’ve heard a FEW people on this forum talk about braking their frames. I think it’s actually a pretty rare occurrance and happens to those who really ride hard; big, big drops, etc. I agree with the posts here that say the pedals are kinda the weak link to the whole thing. The Wellgo pedals that come on these things aren’t that good. I bought some pinned Kona platforms that seem pretty strong (so far, anyway). You’re gonna like it.
I try some fairly crazy stuff,but I wanna have kids when I get older…I know you know what I’m talkin about. lol Yeah the pedals didn’t look so great in the pic,any other suggestions for new pedals?How much does a set of Konas run?
then there are people like me
who have broken EVERYTHING on that uni (all I have left is the cranks)
as far as other replacements go, replace the uni w/ a KH… jk
lets say
replace seatbase if you want, it will break if you ride it hard
pedals-primo tenderizers are awesome to say the least.
thats all
its a strong uni
you will like it
you just won’t like taking the tire off the rim … at all
I hear alot of people talking about their levels,like 1,2,3,4…etc How do I find out what level I am?
Go here.