I'm back (Does anybody remember the glory days?)

Yeah. I return, with little fanfare. I haven’t been riding much since some time last year when I got scared of anything more hardcore than what I was doing, got intense in cross country, and a bunch of other stuff. Now it’s summer and I’m riding a little, so I’m happy, and thought I’d come back to the forums.

Stuff changed here though, different people post a lot. At least potter still has the win in postcount.

And OF COURSE mr hasn’t died yet.

Hey man. Good to see you back. If you can believe it, I’ve not been posting much lately, but I thought I’d welcome you back.

The forums have definitely changed a lot – a bunch more street stuff and a bunch more new guys. That’s kind of why I’ve tired away from the fora.

See ya around,

yay! Tyler still exists!

How did the muni stuff turn out for you? I think I left just before you got your first one.

W00t, headshot! Welcome back… I missed you at Moab this year!

I didn’t go… I was so sad. I tried, but I didn’t know when it was, and when I found out it was too soon to plan a trip. I think I’m going to try to go next year, but that’ll have to coincide with spring break and stuff like that, so I dunno if it’ll work out.

I hope it does though.

Great! I’ve now got a Yuni Muni with the 2007 KH Moment ISIS hub and cranks, and I’ve gotten purdy good at tackling the technical trails and such.

What’s all the new tech? I remember the KH geared hub… is that out yet?

The new coker?

neither are out yet as far as I know

I guess not… I went and looked at unicycle.com, nothing really special.

The KH ISIS stuff is sweet though, I’m kinda jealous.

Sweet, and CHEAP! It’s the perfect hub and crankset. You break a crank…no problem, they’re under $100! The whole setup (hub and cranks) was only like $130 when UDC had it. Plus, the hub itself is the size of a cotterless hub; really small and light.

That’s awesome. I’m still ok with my current setup of kh05 that’s pretty much stock though. I guess it was pretty much made to last.

Although, the snafus are showing some wear, and I kinda want new pedals. I might find some Jim Cs or something.

Edit: I’m going riding. Right now.

No you aren’t. It’s 6 minutes past your posting time, and you’re still online…

I do the same thing, though.

I remember you. Welcome back.

It’s too late to Ivanize your avatar, but you can still Harperize it if you hurry. You’ve fallen WAY behind!

Yeah, Mr has a new avatar change again, remember the clothespin one?

Umm yeah, there is the Nimbus 36", Coker is developing one that should be pretty sweet. KH geared hub is still being made in switzerland or somewhere up there. Airfoil rims have had a lot of troubles, yeah lots more.

Glad your back, youll be back to jumping 7-8 sets in no time. =p

I remember you, fool.

Be sure to Harperize your avvy.

Welcome back, how was your time away?

And no, MR wont die :slight_smile:

YAY your back

awwww i dont know you???

Good to meet you Fuego.


Hawo Fuego, how are you?? :smiley: :smiley: