I'm an aunt! :)

My sister-in-law had a baby today at 3:50.

It’s a boy. His name is Silas Luke Morley. My brother’s (his dad’s) name is Luke. He weighed 7 lbs., 11.8 oz. and was 21 inches long.

Luke took lots of pictures of him so perhaps I can post one later. He’s very cute. I’m excited, so I decided to tell everybody!



P.S. I already have a present picked out for his 3rd birthday: http://www.unicycle.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=644

Hope to see some pictures soon!

Congratulations for becoming an aunt Nikki, and Luke for becoming a father!
I wouldn’t mind one of those for my birthday too, or one of these with the CroMoly hub upgrade.

Congrats, Nikki!


Why didn’t they name him Greg?

my thoughts exactlly greg,

Congradutalions on the new part of the family.


Being an aunt is a great responsibility Nikki. You will have make sure that Silas is fearless in his unicycling and never forgets to pack a spare nose.

Mazel Tov,
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: I’m an aunt! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :smiley:

Make sure he’s allowed to ride his birthday present


I think they should have named him Nick!

Grats, Nikki!

Here’s a picture of him yawning.


He is sooo precious! congratulations! I also wanted to say that I love the psalm in your sig line… that is one of my favorites, well God Bless you and your new little nephew!

Congratulations Nikki! What a cutie he is. Also, that’s one heck of a hat upgrade he’s got there…

You will be the greatest auntie in the world for getting him that uni! From the picture, he’s already in training…he’s one tired guy. :sunglasses:

You know, it doesn’t take much imagination to see that expression on his face dropping off the rooftop into a big snow bank on his unicycle!

Er. Someday, that is.




Congrats from Rochelle as well. Children are a treasure…

One question, if it’s a boy, doesn’t that make you an uncle? :slight_smile:


Hey, I thought I would post an update on Silas. He is still very cute. He is also very chubby. I’ll attach a really good picture I got of him smiling.


smiling silas.jpg

Well, I have to post one of him in the Santa suit he wore on Christmas, now don’t I? :smiley:

bruce, really!
are u suggesting that the daughter my sister had on the 22/11 makes me an aunt?!?


  • clever one phil…:wink:

congratulations nikki!