I'm a n00b

In response to Fransisco’s thread… Yeah…

ok… I`m editing it…

this can be turned in the “i`m a newbie” official thread!!!

what about it? there will be only one… like a noob most replys…

cool huh?!?


I like the way you think francisco. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I don’t understand what he said, so I don’t have an opinion.

what a pointless thread

this forum really need a moderator…

I totaly agree with you :slight_smile:

i agree with you about the need of a moderator

dustin is pointless :smiley:
to dustin:
man heb jij egt geen leven ofzow ga iets nutigs doen bevoorbeeld je halfe werk afmaken:p

Me? Pointless? Just creating a happy atmosphere and letting everyone know I’m a noob.

Someone needs a sense of humor :smiley:

To Sander:
Misschien zo nog ff

To Dustin and Sander:
Mig orf micgvischen levic oftor degan aberkutz megaugla. Vagsug ruk rida mida ops?

Edit: all the time spent in the Dutch forums is finally paying off. Tom, you should have a say in this as well!

for those who didn`t understand what I said:

this is now (haha, I wish) the official “I`m a noob thread”.

If you are a newbie unicycle rider you can find in this thread pacient, thougthful answers to your newbie questions.

and this has become also the official “I`m-from-holland-and-I-can-speak-hollandese (?!?!?)” thread.

hahaha… (just having a little fun here guys)

I think what Ivan was attempting was turkish, but okay…

Let’s start off then, me being a noob I’d like to know wether seatwraps are easier when you do them behind your back, so legaround, dont put your saddle to the front but continue down your back, move it to the front and legaround your other foot.

http://telegrenoble.kewego.fr/video/iLyROoaftwMe.html 2 minutes 5 seconds if you dont get what I mean

Please refrain from posting racial slander.:stuck_out_tongue:
Stop trying to boss everyone around. This is not your forum. If you don’t like it make your own, and boss people there.

Goeiedag Ivan

Ook hebben wij een supervet forum, met allemaal gezellig mensen! Alleen we hebben op het moment net iets te weinig leden, dus meld je maar vlug aan op ons Forum!

Your a N00B!

To the Dutch language? yes.

i just copy and paste.

Reg enevag een wig moord zagen zo doft miggel!

wir können dies, zu tun beginnen da it`s ein amtliches Gewinde.


good idea!

i not buying quax n y more if they sponcer nooobz!

thats german not dutch :angry: :stuck_out_tongue:

dutch rules:D
