If you have been bought all those bicycles and can’t ride them it’s because you don’t want to. All that stuff about geography is nonsense. Get off your backside and learn to ride.
There is a clear and definite methid for an adult to learnt o eride a bicycle. I’ve used it to teach people.
You will need a 15 mm open ended spanner.
You will also need to right size spanner to undo the seat clamp so that you can lower the seat to its lowest setting.
Lower the seat to its lowest setting.
Use the 15 mm spanner to remove the pedals. the left hand pedal has a (conventional) left hand thread. The right hand pedal has a right hand thread.
Now, hold the handlebars, and, placing yourself on the left hand side of the bike, walk, pushing the bike. Learn to steer, and get familiar with the action of the brakes. Just push the bike for a few minutes.
Now, sit astride the bike. You have lowered the saddle so you should be able to put your feet falt on the ground.
Practise moving the bike forward by pushing against the ground with your feet. Don’t try to go fast. Just get the bicyle to move. Steer it. Stop it gently with the brakes. As you gain in confidence, you will experiment with “gliding” for shor distances between pushes. You will develop a feel for how the bicycle remains stable wen moving.
Now, get off. replace the pedals. (Rememebr, the right pedal screws on the “wrong” way.
Put the left pedal at the bottom of its travel. Stand on the left of the bike and put your left foot on the left pedal. This means stepping across yourself. Now, scoot the bike by pushing on the ground with your right foot, supporting your weight with your left foot on the left pedal.
Now, raise the seat slightly.
Sit astride the bike. Go back to the exercise where you pushed the bike with your feet, and glided for a bit. During the glides, lift your feet and place them on the pedals. When you feel confident, start pedalling. (Keep the bicycle in a fairly low gear.)
Now just practise.
This system sounds long winded, but it works. A friend of mine was forbidden to have a bicycle when he was a kid because a cousing died in a road accident. He is not big on coordingation adn athleticism. He learned to ride a bicycle in about an hour.
Kids learn more intuitively. Adults have to do it in logical stages and feel in control. The very basic nature of these exercises will frustrate you into moving onto the next one, and therefore learning.
Good luck, and no more excuses.