I guess the best way to describe this is if you have ever seen Ross Noble Perform when he does his “if you want a good laugh” jokes. such as, if you want a good laugh, after doing ‘you know what’, just shake hands. Dont say anything, just roll over and shake hands.
I will start:
If you want to have a good laugh sneak in to your next door neighbours backyard at night and un-thread his washing line then re-thread it with all the clothes threaded on, instead of pegged.
If you want a good laugh… replace the contents of the sugar bowl with salt and watch someone make a coffee and drink it (if they have sugar in their coffee).
If you want a good laugh… pull out the mouse cable of your workmates computer, just enough so it doesnt work, but still looks like its plugged in and watch them with a WTF look on your face.
If you want to have a good laugh set your roommate’s homepage to www.yzzerdd.com I’d put something dirtier, but apparently children read this forum.
If you want to have a good laugh set your computer to play “The Final Countdown” by Europe at full blast at 3 in the morning and leave for the weekend, letting your roommate deal with it.
If you want a good laugh, take a tampon and put it in someones beer bottle when they leave to go to the bathroom or something. Then watch it expand and fill up the whole bottle, then the person’s reaction when they come back.
If you want a good laugh: Stay late at work sometime and lower all the desk chairs to their lowest setting. Then get to work early to hear and see morning mahem.
Of course I’ve never done that on the evening of March 31.
If you want a good laugh, put laxatives in hamburger and feed it to your neighbor’s dogs, then blow a dog whistle and make your neighbors bring their dogs inside. Then watch for the carpet cleaners in their driveway the next day.
If you want a good laugh… pretend to be holding a rope across a rode with a friend on the other side, and when cars drive up, lean back as if you are pulling it straight and watch the car slow down and pass very cautiously because they think that you acually have a rope.