If you could talk to anyone...

With all these new threads from people asking things like “Wash yourself up or down in the shower?” or “Would you give your life for another?”, I want to ask you all,

If you could bring anyone back from the dead for a 3-hour interview/conversation, who would it be?

It could be a famous person, or one of your relatives. It’s your choice. Who would it be?

If you have multiple people, make a little list.

Mine is…

  1. Thomas Edison (come on, the man was a genius)
  2. Albert Einstein (also a genius)
  3. Mitch Hedberg (just a really funny dude)
  4. My grandfather (I never met him, but I was named after him so I really want to meet him)

Can it be a fictional character?

Sure, why not? But do you have any real people in mind?

No. Talking to dead people is creepy.

But in books, I’d talk to Eddard Stark (who died in the series) and ask him why the eff he ever thought he could outsmart Cersei Lannister or trust Petyr Baelish.

Well if you brought tham back they wouldn’t be dead now, would they?

Also, I have no idea what you were just talking about. But it seems like a fair answer to my question.

They’d be undead! :astonished: :astonished:

And sorry, it’s from the book series I’m reading now, Eddard pissed me off even though he was my favorite character before he died.

Okay, so we’d all be talking to zombies. But at least they’d be knowledgeable zombies that don’t want to feast on your flesh…

No, they do. You’re just falling for their trap!

Aw, man! That’s why Einstein kept trying to bite me!

Well…these are only some of the people i would want to talk to. :smiley:

1) Jesus Christ.
2) Nelson Mandela.
3) Martin Luther King.
4) Mohammed Ali.
5) George Washington.
6) Pele.
7) Princess Diana. (If she were still alive)

YES. I agree with you there.

Haha, say what? Are you talking about me or the Soccer guy Pele? Or a different one.

For me it would probably be my dad or my dad’s dad, but I’ll post if I think of something else.

Edit: Jesus Christ would be a good candidate as well. I would like to see the man himself, that would be cool.

Jesus didn’t speak english, tho.

  1. Jesus Christ
  2. my grandfather
  3. my big grandmother (i´d really like to hear her stories from ww1 and ww2)

a nonverbal conversation would be enough for me :slight_smile:

Too literal a translation from German? You probably mean great-grandmother.

Didn’t he speak hebrew? Pele’s all like hebrew n stuff.

I was talking about you. You got serious skillz, man.

Thomas Edison also made many inventions. It’s said that on average, he had 1 new patented invention every week, and over a thousand in his life. Every six months he came out with a major invention that changed the world forever.

Tesla would be cool, too.

  1. Jesus
  2. Gandhi
  3. My uncle
  4. John Coltrane

Christopher Bizilj