If the Matrix was real.

What would you do if you found out that the reality of the world you live in was something different than you thought? Would you take the blue pill or the red pill, and why?

Id take them both and probably overdose.

Besides, it would make trials way to easy. Download all the moves and techniques, and just create the ultimate uni. =p

It would be interesting though.

I’d take whichever pill kept me in the fantasy world.

I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I don’t know what I would do, I think I just try and explore it as much as possible. I’m not really into pills though.

the matrix is real…in a spiritual way, its a little confusing…and monkeyman dont try to critisize me because you think otherwise

Hmm, suppose you, like Neo, decided that it was real and took the red pill. Then how would you ever know that you’re not simply tripping? What was that pill, anyway? Would he be able to see the matrix without it?

What is real? Is reality real?(Mwahahahaha!!!)

This isnt real.

We are actually still babies laying down somewhere, and this life is made up of their thoughts and dreams.

That pill was part of a trace program.

I would take the red pill so I could date Carry Ann Moss.

a suppository

Hello everybody. I’m popping in for a minute or two.

The world isn’t how we think it is. We start off as naïve children. Then we learn about the “real world”. And if we are lucky, that process continues throughout life. Or, we turn on the TV, disengage our minds, and allow ourselves to be programmed – to be distracted from the reality of the world. From what’s really going on in the world and how the world really works. We believe what we are told by the media, by our drug-pushing doctors who are controlled by the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries, and by our leaders (even though deep down, we feel that something isn’t quite right). Sometimes we are skeptical and we think we are being smart. But we don’t really know. And most of us don’t want to know – we just want to continue to lead our comfy, familiar lives (ooh, did you hear that celebrity X just broke up with celeblity Y? Wow, that’s really worth my time). In other words, we swallow the blue pill every day.

Give me the red pill, please.

Dave, we missed you.

While we’re talking about the Matrix.

… with one of the best posts this year.

One read pill please.

Wait a minute… the blue ones are FREE… mmmm free stuff.

We’re unicyclists.
We’ve all swallowed the red pill.

Do I sense a change of nick coming up?

How was the leave, by the way?

Good thanks.
Even better news is I still have a week left.

Groovy shades in that link.

Thought you were back a bit quick.
Yeah, I ordered a pair.

See you in MR.

Red! :smiley:
The truth is powerful :sunglasses:

I took a little green pill from a stranger once, didn’t sleep for a week.

When you 2?