If I can learn to unicycle, then I can also...

[B]After accomplishing the “impossible” (learning to ride a unicycle), I know I can…

fill in the blank [/B]

At first, a unicycle seems impossible to ride (especially for the balance-challenged, like me). It’s a vehicle with only one wheel! After learning such a difficult skill, I feel empowered to tackle other challenges. I mean, why not?! After all, I can ride a vehicle that has only one wheel!!!

Has unicycling inspired you to try or plan to try new things? (not related to unicycling)

uni57 (Dave)

…learn to cut my own hair (and live to tell about it).

It doesn’t look bad. Really. :slight_smile:

uni57 (Dave)

…convince others that they want to as well

…learn to juggle

…Learn to ride a mini bike and learn to ride a pogo stick
I want to learn to walk on stilts.

‘ride’ a pogo stick, haven’t tried that one yet.
learnt to juggle three balls today