IE spell checking

For the people using IE there is a nice freeware spell checker available. It integrates with IE and adds a spell check button to the toolbar and to the right-click menu. It spell checks the text in form fields on a web page. Perfect for spell checking forum posts. Unfortunately since it is IE specific it does not work with Mozilla, Opera and other non-IE browsers.

And the best part… It includes words like “unicyclist” and “unicycling” in its dictionary. :slight_smile:

The program is called ieSpell and is available at

Thanks John, just what I’ve been looking for

Of coorse, those of us uwsing Mosilla are far two clever to make speling mistakes in the frist place!


Phil, please try to be more careful!

I mean, really! You should try to set a good example!

Uvv coarse, thoze uvv us yoozing Mozeeya arrgh farrgh chew clever two mayk speling Miss Steaks in hte furst plays!

Now, doesn’t that look much nicer?

I think thus smell chequer is grate. Has you can sea I have bin using it her.

Mike, its clean chew mi sat ewe half reel spacial smelling spills.
Wear dead ewe lean too smelt sew welt?
Eye fined it hardy too bee leave ewe oh it awl two a smear smell shucker!

Sendhair, i lrnt my spln mstly frm sndin txt msgs on my fone. My cldrn hlpd 2 & my wif hs trnd as a lnguge splst so spln is top skll 4 me.

I used ieSpell to spell check this entire page and it didn’t find any errors. :slight_smile:

But since it only checks spelling in form fields it didn’t actually spell check anything.

well johns child

your spell checkers pretty crud then coz phil worte his message wspelt wrong (on purpose) so yr spell checker should have picked that up!:stuck_out_tongue:

Re: well johns child

That’s what you think… :stuck_out_tongue:

The spellchecker John found only checks words in text boxes you can type stuff into, not the entire page. There’s not much point spellchecking someone else’s pages…
