idling HELP!

any tips on idling i still can’t get it i kepp falling off!:frowning:

Re: idling HELP!

u may or may not want to hear this, but the best advice anyone can give u right now is to practise, practise, practise
be patient
be confident in the fact that u will ‘get’ it
u learn’t how to ride after all and that felt pretty impossible for a while back there, didn’t it?

there are a couple of pointers that may make your life a bit easier

i found it really helped me to know the ‘roll-back’ freemount when i tried to learn the idle
there’s just a snippet of the idling movement in the ‘roll-back’

some people suggest practising in a doorway
u can support yourself on both sides and focus on getting the forward/back pedaling motion as smooth as possible
as that happens, u’ll find the u need less and less support and one day u’ll find yourself idling

weight on the seat
a uni-basic and very important in idling

sit up straight
it helps to exagerate the ‘pendulum’ effect of idling
your head should almost remain in one place while your body and the uni swing to and fro

use the ‘search’ function at the bottom of this page to find plenty more threads devoted to idling advice

keep your sessions short and fun
don’t get (too) frustrated
work on your idle for 5 minutes and then go for a short ride
(like down the driveway and back)
relax and get back to the idle
when u get angry and frustrated u stop learning anyway so take a breather and then get back to work

and have fun!


Ingredients for how I learnt to idle…

2 Objects to lean on, about a metre or just further apart… tables or steady chairs are good for this.

1 Simpsons video

Add a sprinkling of people who don’t mind you practising indoors (or just do it when no-one else is in to know… :))

Arrange your furniture as desired. Put on the video, hold on to your trusty supports, then just sit there rocking back and forth. Sooner or later you’ll be able to take your weight off your supports… first for just a split second, then it’ll slowly get easier until you can wobble back and forth without touching them. Arms flailing all over the place maybe, but hey, that’s how I still do it anyway…

Good luck!


ah ha cheerz 4 the tips! i’ll test them out;)