Remember this? Questions was always a favorite traveling game of mine so let’s give this a try. Within the span of 50 questions or Monday, 2/6/06, whichever comes first, can you identify the ‘dude’ who sent me the PM? The only info I have about the PM’er is what he or she has posted publically. I’ll try to answer honestly to the best of my ability but only in yes or no answers. When you ask a question, please try to help me count down the number of questions so I don’t lose my place.
Prize of being named the prestigious Grand Poobah of Thread 41029 to the winner.
He doesn’t list an age or birthday in his public profile. But by the way he talks and who he seems to hang out with in the forums, my guess is that he is under 30 years of age…just my guess though.
That comes up in the building code quite often. Other compensation is payment in exchange for services or products by things other than money, i.e., a pizza, or three goats and a chicken. Another word often used is ‘other consideration’.
But just to make it fair, Mr. In-The-Know, your in-the-know needs to be out.
Let me make a disclaimer here. I only know him by the username that he used when he sent me the PM. If he’s changed his username since then, the new user name will not be the correct answer.
Yoops: I take this to also mean the OWNER-MAN of, who exploits his power to IMPOSE PIXEL LIMITS on unicyclists struggling for expression.
Yoops: You and me are just the same!! --Billy
Question: Is it someone GILD and Blake have openly flirted with in JC, and someone EthylTheTree has acted very possessive over?