idea for a website?

so im thinking about making a new website, but i cant think of anything to make one about, im looking to make a communtiy type website, but i cant think of wat to make it about,

Is there any things that u guys would like to see a community for?

or any ideas?

I want to see a bad spelling community. One where people that can’t spell at all get together and try and communicate, only they can’t because they can’t read the messages. But then dandeman would go there and he would feel at home.


Communal prOn, what do people contribute their own? Discuss it, or just watch??

It’s like a book club. They get together and discuss their favorites.

oh I see!

No for something usefull, It has to be something your interested in for a start. So it’s really up to you.

That already exists, in several places.

I’m not going to post where, so don’t ask. Most of them are invite only anyway.

Nah, I used to be a member of this one-

Er, yeah, probably invite only.

Oh, give the poor guy a break! People always give him crap for spelling…

yeh i know…i actually have a mental disease and you guys always tease me about my spelling, i hope u feel beter now

hahaha im just messing with you :stuck_out_tongue: