does anyone elses school make them wear or carry with them an id badge? mine does. its kinda passe.
last year we almost had to wear them around are necks for the whole year.
but we didn’t even get any this year
Sure, we need them to buy dance tickets and stuff. Ours this year are a lot cooler looking, plus I actually SMILE in mine coughchosencough.
haha dude i do but no pics… BUT that is the COOOLEST name for a highschool ever
my school gives us ID cards, but we don’t actually need them…we can use them to get into games for cheaper though.
but I was gone for pictures this year, AND I was gone for the retakes, so I didn’t get my picture taken!! pretty cool. donno what they’re gonna do for my picture.
its against the emo code to smile, sorry.
You don’t look emo. Your expression makes it look more like they took the picture when you weren’t ready.
he looks ready to me, but no offensece dude, it almost looks like a mugshot
damn emo kids…
our cards don’t have barcodes or magnetic stripes on them or anything high-tech like that, and they’re hella easy to forge…
a bunch of seventh graders got into the last two dances with fake ids…
If a seventh grader tried to get into our high school dances, me and my friends would just kick 'em right back out.
You look indian (native american), and your school name sounds like it, too.
My old highschool had ID cards that we were required to have with us at all times, but they weren’t on a lanyard around our necks. My new school also has ID cards, but they’re completely purposeless other than to say that we have ID cards.
We got a couple of them at our school, they don’t have bar codes or anything fancy. A year or two ago this guy made a bunch of fake lunch passes for people but then got caught with all the people’s name’s on his computer so a lot of people got in trouble.
We have them but like most people they are just to buy dance tickets and you can actualy get into the dance with any high school id card. The teachers are aloud to check your card at any point in time, but since there are only 1500 people at our school, it isn’t hard to tell who goes to our school and who doesn’t. Basically they are a piece of plastic that we have to pay 5 bucks for as part of our 45 dollar student fees.
Chosen, the pic on your ID looks like a completely different person than the one in your profile. Are you sure thats you?
That pic would make a great avatar…
exactly wha i was thinking
i know…thats the exact same thing i thought…?
i see what you mean. wanna know how you can be semi sure? in my vid- part 3- im wearing the same zip hoodie as in that pic.
Here’s my I.D.
But around the building community, some consider it geeksville to wear so it stays in my drawer.
My pa’s a building inspecter