Because he is an atheist, I think it is a bit cool to clap for him while he is alive. I loved how well he pissed on Falwell’s death, it rivaled Hunter Thomson"s
eulogy for Nixon. I want to clap at bit for the man while he can still hear it.
He is a great debater, and always had a smart way to express his moral sense.
I can’t pick from my favorite Hitchens vids on you tube. There are a lot. This special pupil of Socrates is dieing soon. I guess we are all a bit of a meteor shower, but Hitch will make more sparks, and be missed more than anyone who looked so much uglier than James Dean, and yet could look the camera in the eye. What are you rebelling against ? Hitch would ask you “what do you got”?
Hitchens is kind of a douchbag, but I mostly agree with him. It will be interesting to see if Hannity and others who took offense at Hitchens’ treatment of Falwell afford him the respect they believe is appropriate or if they find a loophole in their beliefs to trash him.
If they do, they are being true to their own beliefs and sense of propriety. If they do not, they are being true to his. Someone could fault them either way, but not both.
Meanwhile I’m not a fan of that particular interview, or of any interview subject who continues to talk over others out of turn.
This clip shows he knows his subject, and is a skilled and polite debater. Shouting over someone and talking out of turn is the rule at Fox. It’s the intellectual equivalent of pro wrestling. I bet Hannity and Hitchins arranged some of their moves back stage, laughing. He was hired to be the disagreeable foil to the white hatted Hannity.
The above clip, though a bit long, shows the skills that really made him famous.
Just kidding. Hitchens did . Hitch was brave in this way. I think I would keep my mouth shut if I knew I was dying soon.
Now, no big surprise, Hitchens is gone. If you want to see why he was famous and loved by the religious , curious, and non religious, I would suggest this clip, though there is a lot of other stuff on you tube that is maybe better.