The fewer systems there are, the fewer systems there are to take advantage of.
Those who always want the government to step in should ask themselves, when the government steps in, how far should it step?
Healthcare for example, people have a lot of crazy ideas about what level of treatment should be offered? At what point do we stop expensive cancer treatment on a patient? Maybe we should keep all HIV patients in expensive sterile environments “boy-in-the-bubble” style so they won‘t die from a common cold. Maybe we should give C.A.T scans to everyone who has a headache. Maybe we should only offer emergency stabilization of patients and after that they are on their own. In what situations do you offer life support and in what situations do you not. What illnesses are worth the money to fight and witch ones are not. Should reconstructive knee surgery be performed on an 80-year-old or should they just be handed a walker. At what age do we shift from investing to in a humans future too just running out the clock.
Who gets to decide? Who gets control? I’m sure the ones screaming for the government to socialize have strong opinions about these things, but fail to realize that once socialism is in place their opinions won‘t mean Jack Squat.
Everyone that seems ok with socialism seems to think the socialist leaders will coincidentally make decisions that they agree with. No way. If you want to agree with a decision, make it yourself.