I want to exchange my tire with a Muni tire and my unicycle tire is
18 x 1.75 and what I want to know is what size is the tire that I
want to get? If you want to know how big my unicycle is watch my
video is shows, Oh and I am 4’ 8" tall. My unicycle is 30 inches tall.
Once more… I want to exchange my tire with a Muni tire and my
unicycle tire is 18 x 1.75 and what I want to know is what size is
the tire and/or tire size that would fit for my unicycle?
here is my video link:
I’m sorry, but i really think you should actually get a real unicycle. I mean, you have a jugglebug unicycle, no offence, but your going to need to upgrade sometime.
I have never saw a tire thats 18’’ in my life, so, i have no idea if its possible to get one.
I think you can put any 18 " tire on it
How close is your tire to touching the frame ?
It is unlikely that you can find the fat knobby that you are hoping for, in size 18.
Find the knobbiest 18 tire you can find. If it is much wider then 1,75 , that is good, but make sure it can fit between the frame legs. That is about the best you can do with that uni.
Try to only post your questions in only one of the forums. Someone always gave you a perfectly good answer in the rec.sport forum. The just conversation forum is for discussing anything but unicycling. You shouldn’t be asking those questions here.