im a guy and i want equal rights as women have.
they claimed years ago not to have equal rights but really its not good for us now.
we are like there slaves!!
cause like we open the door for them and stuff, but if they really want to be equal, then like why do we open the door for them?
they have more rights then us, and i want my rights back!
sorry if this offends any of the women on here
I know, seriously. About a hundred years ago, women were oppressed…now its us!! Women have gotten over powerful.
I unicycle for Men’s Rights!
lol thats a different way to view things, but there is a difference between haveing manners and “rights” being polite is more of a rule than something you have to do, you can choose cant you? i know i can and try to be really polite lol
if were equal then we shouldn’t have to open the door for them
Actually, hardcore feminists will tell you that opening the door for them is sexist against females. Doing all those nice things for them is…if you think about it that way.
Anyhoo, I think being ‘proper’ or a ‘gentleman’ is silly. We should all treat each other with equal respect, no matter who we are.
Come on, we should all help each other. I open doors for people indiscriminantly.
thats good if you do it indiscriminantly but just for girls is sexist
Nobody is forcing you to do this.
Though it’s usually considered polite to open a door for someone, especially if they are carrying something that makes it hard for them to open the door and get through.
okay, on airplanes, they get 3 carryons, we guys get 2 whats up with that?
I don’t know where you get that info from, but it looks like two for anyone on Northwest. One standard carry-on and then a purse OR briefcase OR laptop computer OR small backpack. What’s the 3rd one that women get?
Yeah, I’m a little lost on this one too. Could you name some of these rights you are being denied? (Hint: opening doors wouldn’t be one of them, nor would a choice on which bathroom to enter)
How about equal bathroom capacity at sports stadiums? Oops, that would be in the mens’ favor. When will they figure out that women need more square footage for equal bathroom capacity and build accordingly?
On a hot summer day, a woman can wear a skirt and something sleeveless to the office. Why can’t I wear the equivalent male-appropriate clothing? I know this has nothing to do with “rights” – it’s a dress code and societal norm adopted by businesses. But there’s no equality.
At my school, girls get away with wearing pieces of cloth no bigger than a handtowel called “skirts”, but guys can’t wear shorts that go below the knees.
Supposedly, it’s about being professional…unless they’re training us to be hookers or strippers, there’s nothing professional about those skirts.
And you’re complaining? What’s wrong with you? That double standard is definately in favor of the guys.
I was actually a little confused, until I read your location.
Just out of curiousity, how how does it get in Iowa? During the schooltime, it can get up to 100 degrees here in good ol Texas. I don’t want to have to wear jeans during that time.
I think that we should be able to wear shorts, and that girls should be able to wear their short skirts/shorts…because…uh…danger of heat stroke…or…something -shifty eyes-
You said that you can’t wear shorts that go below the knees…doesn’t that mean that you can wear shorts that don’t go below the knees?
Who wears shorts that are above the knees?
opening the door for a lady is just etiquette(sp?)
who cares… we have all the rights we need or want…
A dress code and societal norm that probably was started by business men. Anyway, you can take your t shirt off if it’s too hot, I can’t.
I want the right for my daughters to be famous soccer players - oh no, sorry, they are all men.
Incidentally I think you men have really backed yourselves into a corner. Compared to women you are so restricted in the range of clothes that you can wear (generally) and the roles that you can adopt.