I understand my avatar is annoying

well i have had some suggestions that I change my avatar. And I will do so to make everyone happy it did not occur to me that there may be people on this forum who have a form of epilepsy so I will be changing it. and thank you too those who pointed it out.


Thanks for making this thread.

I haven’t been able to see your avatar for a couple of days. :slight_smile:

I installed the Adblock Firefox extension. Now I can right-click on an annoying avatar and block it from appearing again. Ahhhh… Visual tranquility at last.

And for the record, yours isn’t the only avatar that I have blocked.

The animated avatars are annoying and unnecessary. Please people, keep the avatars toned down. And keep them visually appealing. In the past I have put people on my ignore list just so I could hide their avatar. Now with Adblock I don’t have to get that extreme.

Yes, I do know that I can turn off all avatars in my user preferences. But I would prefer to not have to go to that drastic of a step. I like the avatars because it gives a quick visual reminder of who has written the post.


Avatars should not be animated. Like John mentioned, they are quick visual aids to know who is posting.

I wonder if there is a hack to prevent animated avatars… hmmm.

Sweet, looks like it might be possible: Deny the usage of animated avatars - vBulletin.org Forum

but I like my avatar

I think animated .gif avatars aren’t bad unless the entire image changes from one image to another. If it is just one image that moves fluidly it isn’t distracting.


awwwww I like mine…

I myself dont think animated avatars are anoying.

but i dont care.

I got a new one

And I can see it too. :slight_smile:


I think DK’s is fine is just the rapid ones that r bad

The one that catboy uses right now is funny, too - I think. At least the first time I saw it, I had to laugh.
DK’s is fine.

yeah somone once stole Gilbys avatar and got in a flame war with someone…I could not believe my eyes that Gilby was posting such stuff and it was really cool/weird. Then I realised it wasnt’ Gilby. But I didn’t even look at the name, just the avatar. Thats what I do with everyone, just glance at the avatar, so when people change them (or steal them) its really annoying…

Yeah,me to.

Whats also annoying,is when people dont have avatars.Then you have to bother to read their name.

And if I see that, then they get a different avatar and title. :wink:

haha good form…

Except for jagur. I expect his avatar to change all the time and I’m used to that. His current pipe theme is keeping it consistent. :slight_smile:

But if everyone regularly changed their avatar like that all the time, I’d be in a world of confusion. I’d actually have to start paying attention to the user names again and actually read the names.

I would seriously notice if you shrunk the old guiness glass 1 pixel. I’m still kindof freaked out by this new one.