I think i had the best bday cake in the history of cakes

so yeh there it is my mum and sister made it from scratch, even the qu ax logo. they are the coolest xx

haha…awesome. I should post pics of the checkerboard cake I made like a month ago…it was pretty cool too.

That’s a wicked cake! And you have 333 posts! Happy birthday!

Mmmmm chocolate

You are the luckiest dude in the world!
My mum and sister would never make me a cake!

Hope you had a good one man!

Rock on!

thats one awesome cake! i want one!

hahaha cool a unicycle cake, that’s mad !!!

heres one my mum got for her 40th a few years ago: (it’s not hollow, it’s chocolate cake underneath the icing)

wow, that would have been a bitch to make!

Now, that’s what I call a house of worship!

C’mon when I saw the title I tought the cake was built so that a beautiful lady will pop out of it when everybody would sing :smiley:
(innovation: she just jumps out with a trial unicycle :stuck_out_tongue:
innovation #2: chocolate all over her
now I stop! :astonished:

thats awesome. i had a cool uni cake a few years ago, hope this pic comes out ok.



I don’t like cake!:smiley:



You are banned from society. FOREVER.

You aren’t human…sorry.

man i didnt get a cake… but its ok.:frowning:

Happy birthday and cool cakes!

Here’s two of mine (if I got it right). First is the cake from our wedding rehearsal. Saddle is a pound cake, frame is Hostess Ho-Hos, Pedal is Kit Kats! The actual wedding cake was much more traditional (and expensive), though on top it had two toy unicycles; one had a bowtie on it, and the other had a miniature version of Jacquie’s veil.

The second cake is from my 40th birthday. I didn’t count but I think there are actually 40 candles on there! Yes, I got them all in one breath. This cake was part of a surprise party. For those of you that joined us for the sushi dinner at MUni Weekend 2003, that’s where it was.

Oops, sorry about that. I prefer having the pictures show up in the actual post…


That’s awsome!

Seat doesn’t look very comfortable though…

<Aside> You can attach pictures like that then use the [noparse][img][/noparse] tags to show them in the post, too… </Aside>


On the contrary, it looks very soft and squidgy… it should be extremely comfortable (as long as you can avoid the whole “being set on fire by candles” thing) :slight_smile:



love the cake man its totally uni