I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named...


Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

Those are some horible parents, naming their kid Hitler. They say in the article a “Names a Name”, but come on? They even had a kid named Aryan Nation?

There is no mention in the article of the parents’ political affiliation so saying they’re Nazis may be a stretch. There is, however, a whole lot of stupid going on here. The kid is going to forever be punished by his parents’ choice. Stores like the one mentioned are going to punish him. As Jeremy says his peers are even going to punish him and probably his peers’ parents as well as his teachers. Bad, irresponsible choice on the parents’ part.

Bad on everyones part. If thats how someone is treated because of a name, then thats really sad.

With a name like Sue, I mean Hitler, he’s going to have to grow up to be one tough son-of-a-bitch. At least according to the afore-alluded-to Johnny Cash song.

His sister’s name JoyceLynn Aryan Nation tells the whole story: these are screwed up people.

This part’s cool too –

“Say he grows up and hangs out with black people. That’s fine, I don’t really care,” he said. “That’s his choice.”

It’s nice that they’re tolerant of such behavior.

This will come in handy when he’s older.:slight_smile: (Hopefully he won’t just change it to http://www.wwwk.co.uk/people/politicians/mussolini.htm

He’ll be a punk. Hitler with a mohawk :sunglasses:

My question is how common a name is “Hitler”? It’s just about impossible to find any Hitlers on Google that aren’t The Hitler or his direct family, but it doesn’t take long to find some Adolfs who were born before and after the war. Were there hundreds of thousands of Hitlers who all changed their names after the war? Would it have been the equivalent of all the Smiths or Johnsons changing their names?

Time to consult babynames.com

Here are searches for Hitler and Adolf.

In case you don’t want to click, Hitler is not found. It’s as if the name itself were so evil it was expunged from their database. And the Adolf entry references “Adolf Hitler, Nazi dictator”.

Gee… that’s screwed from all sides…

I used to have a friend named Aryan when I was young. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aryan, lol.
His parents had something to do with the Neo-Nazis in Idaho but we didn’t know that we were ‘enemies’.
It was cool.
Now we’d probably kill each other, him being a Nazi and me being gay.
But back then, in the innocence of youth, it mattered not.

I have a friend named Aryn.

I can see you’re going to have difficulties later in life. If I tried to order a yarmulke would that make me Jewish? If I tried to order chopsticks would that make me Japanese?

Well, if someone tried to set a fire, or tried to murder someone, I think we could be pretty certain of their intent. :slight_smile: But then again who knows, maybe they were simply trying to order the cake with “Swan stickers”, and the order taker misunderstood them, lol!

Greg, look over there! Look! On your left! … (Terry – Capital ELL OH ELL!!!)

Raphael, every time I look at the thread title, I hear Johnny Cash talk-singing that song. He was the first rap artist.

I think that honor goes to the first square dance announcers.:stuck_out_tongue:

A character in the series I’m reading is named Arya. And one of the noble houses is named Arryn.



Some people are really screwed up with life…

…[searching for a worse name to give a child]…

well, never mind. Poor poor little boy:(, at least, his parent are not “so racist” :roll_eyes: :angry: :frowning:

“In jail for a crime I didn’t even commit! ‘Attempted murder’, oh come now, do they give a Nobel Prize for ‘Attempted Chemistry’???” - Sideshow Bob

And remember, Swastika’s were a very popular symbol in Europe and North America long before the Nazi party existed… I remember a few years ago there was a controversy about whether or not to remove them from a library in Mass. during a renovation, even though they’d been there for over 100 years.

History of the symbol: Swastika - Wikipedia

And hey, there was a town founded in 1909 in Canada called “Swastika”: Swastika, Ontario - Wikipedia