i so want one of these!!


Now to fit a KH moment hub in there, and have the cranks cut down, and re-tapped. =p

and some jim c’s

That would be so sweet for hopping, I bet Ryan Atkins could go wicked high.

It might be hard to get bounce but I love the idea of a mini trials

some mini person in defect rides one of those.

Q wtf is a br cykle?

And does some mini high drops too!

Xavier and Yoggi rides with very small and fat wheeled unicycle in this video. Do u think it’s the same? Unispin looks nice with that unicycle. :smiley:

I talked about the idea of 12" or 16" trials in a different thread. I think it would be awesome. It woulld be so light that you wouldn’t need any spring from the tire. You could just tuck up to your butt and get like 4 feet.

thats true
thats just a fat BMX tire on that uni though, not good for springiness, but awesome for little kid MUNI
it would be tooo slow for my liking

whats up with this in the middle of the info???

OBS Blå SLUT ! !