for my english class i need a poem and being the unicycler that i am i want it to be abought unicycling but i cant think of one
can you
I need you too, baby…
why dose every turn into sex
Re: i need you
Just break that exact string of words into six or seven lines at random points (maybe fix the “about,” too), and you’ll be writing just like e e cummings.
is this a joke
You’d think so, and yet, here we are…
that is amazeing
Or maybe more like Archy the cockroach…
One of mine is:
why do these rings embrace me so,
sunstar tendrils to taunt and tease
and yet they roll to my rhythym
and carom to my caress?
one upon one, a heron, blue, sleek.
what do i fish for here as i glide,
spirit-like, upon glass surfaces
that yield and weep for me?
this swiftly speeding squire
on rolling, rubber ring afire,
his face softly kissed by the sun
and gifted by the joy of children.
Just do a search in the fora on unicycle poetry because there are a few threads on it. The best I have ever seen was written by Animation (Lewis Beard) but I haven’t found it in the search. It must be from three years back or so.
Here it is:
It was long past sundown.
The heat and moisture of the night
mingled together in a sweltering haze.
People sat in iron-wrought chairs, drinking and talking,
as the halos of lamp lights revealed bronze goblins
playing in gardens of stone.
Gentle guitar fingers, tender and soothing,
worked the cares from a weary world.
Among sleeping cars, one wheel danced.
-Lewis Beard
I found it in THIS THREAD .
And the thread in which Lewis posted the original is A Simple Poem. It’s dated 6/6/2002.
thanx for digging that out greg
that poem is very cool
i seem to have missed it on it’s previous two appearances
i’m glad i caught it this time
Has anyone else written unicycle poetry? You’d think there is some poetic types on this forum.
Raphael led off in THIS THREAD.
Do a search using poetry as the keyword which is broad. There was a bi-weekly poetry thread that was short-lived that contained some unicycle poems.