I need some advice...

My friend and I are jugglers, and we have been searching for a name. We were messing around and jokingly he said “Balls” then I said I could be lefty and he could be righty.(I’m left handed he is right handed.) Our proformance is leaned tward an adult audience so I think it would be kinda funny if we actually did it. So i am wondering what all of you think about it, and if you have any ideas that could improve it. THX.

yeah, where from michigan are you?

Alma, about 15 miles from Mt.Pleasent.

I think this is very funny.
Names’ Lefty and Righty are good.

What about Harry and Sweaty?

I’d say go for it, but I’m not sure how many adults are going to get a babysitter and go out to a juggling show. Especially an adult themed one.

Although I don’t have a suggestion for a name, I think that in order to, uhh, not narrow down your potential audience, maybe come up with something less racy.

Call yourselves “Free Beer” and you will get lots of fans

especially done by a 15 year old, do your parents know about this plan yet?

Ya, we should tone it down a bit, it is jsut so hard to find a name to use and we really need to because we are starting to actualy get some shows, in which they are paying us, and we want to get some buisness card printed up. We jsut cant figure out a name. if you have any ideas it would be really useful.

Keep the name, its great. Especially if you are getting shows already, its not that bad because it is a pun and well, that isnt really a good reason. But children arnt easily offended and neither are adults.


What about “The Tossers”. One of you could be a left tosser, and the other could be a right tosser. Or is that the juggling equivalent of “Where’s your other wheel?”

Do our friends in th US of A know the full extent of what you mean, Mikefule?

And as for a name, I can only think of ‘Balls Akimbo’ - a defendable name if anyone says it’s a bit too innuendo-ous!