I need help with parents

Okay so my mom won’t let me get a 28er :angry: because i told her i would like to ride to places like to friends houses, but she says its unsafe. So I told her that i see people biking all the time on the “unsafe road.” She says thats a bike its different you have more control on a bike. I said that there is no difference unicycle or bike. Does anyone have anything to add to my arguement?

tell her that bikes go a LOT faster, and therefore are harder to stop, and the crashes are much more painful, and also bikes are bigger so harder to jump off if you need to because you might get tangled up in the gears or whatever. my aunt once was riding a bike barefoot, and her toes got stuck in the gears, and they got all bloodied up.
and you can ride a uni sans hands, and that must somehow be safer.

also tell her you’ll ALWAYS wear your helmet. and then do it.

Hi Bruiser,
If you’re living under your folk’s roof, you’ve got to live by their rules, like them or not. If you have explained to her and she still won’t budge, know that it’s because she loves you and wants you safe even if she doesn’t understand. Maybe make a rig to tow your uni behind your bike so that you can get it to your friends that way.

I was a good kid and I know exactly how frustrating it can be when parents seem unreasonable to simple requests. Now I’m a parent and it’s even harder to say NO when it is something my son really wants and my reasons are sometimes intuitive rather than rational. Try to be patient with your family and be glad you have folks that care even if it’s not in the ways you want.

Good luck!
I just read James Potter’s post. Those are some good things to explain to her, and I agree with all his points. I have been hurt badly on bikes way more often than unis and ride them less.

Parents are edible.

Listen to your mom 28ers are unsafe. Think of how stupid you are going to feel after you find out that no one rides a 28" wheel anymore and the standard is now 29". That one inch difference will haunt you untill eventually you will put yourself in a corner and cry for days asking yourself “why oh why didn’t I get a 29er and instead get fooled into getting a lame 28” unicycle"

Listen to your mom 28ers are unsafe. Think of how stupid you are going to feel after you find out that no one rides a 28" wheel anymore and the standard is now 29". That one inch difference will haunt you untill eventually you will put yourself in a corner and cry for days asking yourself “why oh why didn’t I get a 29er and instead get fooled into getting a lame 28”

#1 i was going to put a 29er tire on it
#2 i wanted it so i could ride to my girlfriends house easily, because my other uni is a 24 inch MUni

well aaactually, I believe that a 29" is a 28" just with a bigger tire, right? meaning, same rim and everything. so what he could do is get a 28", and then later upgrade just the tire. but he might need a different frame too, depending on how wide the current one is. or he could just buy a 29" to start. doesn’t really matter…but yeah, I do agree 29ers are better than 28ers. 29er is even funner to say than 28er.

Thats exactly what i was going to do, i was gonna get the WTB nano raptor 29 inch tire

Stop calling it a 28 then. This goes for everyone. Also the rim standard is really a 700c not a 28.

wheres mrs aylery?

james funner is not a word, more fun would be correct.

i hope i dont get bad rep for this, after all with james’s massive amount he could send me into the red easily

Okay so my mom won’t let me get a 29er :angry: because i told her i would like to ride to plaves like to my friends houses, but she says its unsafe. So i told her that i see people kiking all te time on the “unsafe road.” She says thats a bike its different you have more control on a bike. I said that there is no difference unicycle or bike. Does anyone have anything to add to my arguement?

Hopefully that will make everyone happy checkered *cough

pffft, funner is too a word, you just have to have a gooder vocabulary to know it.

I don’t think you’ll get bad rep for this, don’t worry (:

It has nothing to do with making me happy kid,

It is about learning you up so that you realise that you and many others out there are using incorrect terms (or rather oudated ones).

Tell her yeah… what JP said, bikes are way faster and unsafe, and unicycles are tame and in control…

For the most part, you have more control on a bike. You can ride straigher, you can pay less attention and be unlikely to crash, and even paying attention you’re less likely to crash. Crash=dismount.

Sorry, I’m not being very helpful. Maybe you should ask your parents for a motorcycle then? :slight_smile:

Back to the bicycle; the “control” we’re talking about has to do with riding safely along a road and around cars. The bike will win every time, if only because it’s easier for drivers to predict.

But then there’s education. Someone who knows how to ride around cars is going to be safer than someone who doesn’t, regardless of the vehicle. Hmph. Guess that doesn’t help much either.

I don’t wish to suggest a rebellion but how amenable would you and your mother be to an experiment? Her on her bike (does she ride?) and you on someone else’s 29er (if you could borrow one). Round a few obstacles and see who has most control. IF she has then you will have to bow to her wishes, if you have maybe she would be happy to think again?


I’m 16 and I know this: challenging your mother to a contest so that you can prove her wrong is not the way to go about it.

Don’t bring your mother’s bike riding abilities into it. Insead show her ho quickly you can stop, turn, 180 on the spot, and idle, proving your control of the unicycle.

At first, my mom didn’t think that unicycles were built for any great distance riding, but mabey that’s because I have a 20".

What kind of road do you want to ride along? Is it a country road, is it a city road? Does it have a shoulder? What kind of traffic does it get and what is the speed limit? Does it get any commercial truck traffic or RV traffic?

There are some roads that I would be willing to regularly ride my bike but I would not take my Coker. The bike is a lot better if you have to deal with passing RVs and commercial trucks. If an RV or commercial truck passes drives by while on a bike the draft beside and behind the vehicle can literally suck you over towards the truck. You need both hands on the handlebars and a steady line to keep going straight. I would not want to try that same experiment on a Coker or any other unicycle.

On the other hand, Cathwood has been 16, and is (I think) a mother, so maybe she has a valid opinion, based on knowing both sides of the argument.

I ride a 700c and a Coker, sometimes on the road, usually not. I am very careful about where I will ride, and very aware that if I am in an accident, I will be the one with the explaining to do, even if I am not hurt.

Of course, Mum’s (US = Mom’s) opinion may be based on ignorance of the difference between a 24 and a 700c. The 700c is noticeably bigger, and even unicyclists can find them a bit intimidating at first. Maybe she even has a son who brags about all the crazy things he does on his 24, and she extrapolates from this. or maybe you’ve overdone how much faster it is.

700c wheels are faster, but they stop more slowly, and although they are very stable in a straight line, they can be a bit tricky to steer in an emergency. This would be more noticeable for a 29 than a 28.

In short, your mother may be right. I’m not saying she is, because I don’t know your area, or the roads and traffic conditions you will experience.

Something you could try:

Stick some shorter cranks on the 24 and ride it to your friend’s house. A 24 with 102s goes like poo off a spade, and is easily good for 20 mile rides. I know, coz I’ve done it. How far away does this friend live?

Once you’ve established the principle of riding to your friend’s house on the 24, one of the objections to riding there on the 700c has been weakened or eliminated.

I wasn’t suggesting a contest so much as a comparison.

Mind you, having said that, I wouldn’t ride my bike or my uni on most roads. I hate traffic. Maybe your mum feels the same.
