I need help thinking of a name.

OK so i am trying to think of a name for my new unicycle movie that is in the process… I do not want to finish it until i learn more stuff and jump to new heights but i cant think of a title and i do think this is fairly important.:slight_smile: please dont leave ideas if you dont want me to use them and sorry to those people who dont think i am being creative. i am thinking hotel unifornia… does anybody think this is a good name? :thinking:


P.S. i guess you can call it a trials movie because i am doing tricks and jumping on and off stuff in and around my house

oh and i will play hotel california throught it… it has nothing to do with the movie except the name but hey whatever:)

how about this, this is gonna make you crap your pants when you hear this you ready ok ok ok ok ok GO ’ VUNIW’S UNICYCLING MOVIE ’ . dangerous hah?

Since you’re in New England, why not go with a local theme and instead use Hotel Uni Hampshire? And break up the action with shots of a hot young Nastasia Kinski in between the unicycling segments.

Trials movie at hotel non-conformia.

hah thanks guys :smiley: i may put some of those together :sunglasses:


If it’s stuff around your house, I like Hotel Unifornia…

yea it pretty much takes place at my house and maybe other peoples houses if i can find better drops and stuff to hop onto

call it something random, like grape flavored oranges or something
maybe purple monkey dishwasher?(inside joke from the NEVERENDING story)

Already taken, suprisingly enough.

HAHAA really?!? :astonished: