Eragons a lot better then Harry Potter.
I liked the book a lot more then the movie. A lot of times the books don’t do movies justice.
Eragons a lot better then Harry Potter.
I liked the book a lot more then the movie. A lot of times the books don’t do movies justice.
I haven’t seen the movie (edit: yet), but the book is fantastic. And it was written by a 15 year old. Simply amazing.
I’m not a fan of fantasy. I prefer hard sci-fi. But a schoolteacher friend recommended Eragon, so I gave it a try. Dragons and magic? Not something I normally like. But I simply love this book. Disregard how you felt about the movie and give the book a try…
Same here, just got to where Sansa gets married. Very odd plot turn, IMO.
Oh and re: Eragon…eh it’s ok, just seems so predictable to me at every turn. I didn’t enjoy it much.
Read the Pendragon series. At least read the first, then you’ll be hooked. Author D.J. MacHale has already written 9 books for the series, and plans to do 1 more. It’s a great read for absolutely everyone of any age, but I think teens can relate to it more. (It’s told from a teenager’s POV.)
raven’s gate is pretty good
I know a lot of people that are reading a series called Twilight. I think it may be a book geared more to the oppisite sex because I have only seen girls reading it. Its about vampires and sounds very complicated from the explanation I got about it.
Those are for sure great, but he keeps keeps killing off all my favorite characters
I highly recommend Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind. Such a great book.
The Stand by Stephen King, Cell by Stephen King, One Rainy Night by Richard Laymon, The Rising by Brian Keene, and Battle Royale (donno auther, some Japanese guy, a google search will bring it up). If you like survival horror (Only thing I read), then you should like these.
That’s one of the things I like about it. So far, there has yet to be any one of those cliched unkillable heroes - it’s very real, yet still fantasy.
I think I will have to reread all of them, again again, once the second part of the 4th book comes out. Yay more reading material. hah.
The wheel of time is also a good series as well.
Oh man, I forgot Terry Pratchett! And Neil Gaiman!
Regardless, this thread should be closed, and maestro8 declared the victor.
read it anyway
the movie is so far from the book that it hardly ruins anything in the read.
I also second Dune and The Dark Tower both excellent books.
I also quite enjoyed the Foundation series (especially the original three) by Isaac Asimov and the Ender series by Orson Scott Card
A good series for young and old is Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. It’s a futuristic tale of a young child who leads an army of children to victory against an alien invasion, saving the Earth.
What makes the series quite interesting is seeing the inner struggle of a child faced with the pressures of being an adult through some very stressful situations. That, and the reaction of the child to the propaganda fed him by the adults, seeing his ability to cut through BS more aptly than most adults.
There are some books in the series I didn’t care for, and others (esp. Ender’s Shadow) that I liked better than the first book!
And Neverwhere is currently being offered “free” for online reading or 30-day download as an e-book. See Neil’s blog for details. Great book.
My formerly great opinion of Ender’s Game has been tarnished somewhat by Card’s outrageously illogical political/religious rants of late. I’ve tried to divorce the book from the author, but I can’t seem to do it.
Oh I forgot; The Coldfire Trilogy is an effing awesome read. Mixture of a fantasy setting with a sci-fi “backdrop”, but definitely not a cliched story. Very dark book at points. First book is called Black Sun Rising.
well since I’m only 12 I’m not sure if you would like it but Artimus Fowl is a great series
+1 for Ender’s Game. Ignoring his political views, he’s written some amazing things. I just finished reading Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, I think it’s still in hardcover but he offers it (and a bunch of other books) for free on his website. Just about anything by Terry Pratchett, especially the Sam Vimes series (start with Guards! Guards!). There’s Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, amazing though looong, and Neuromancer by William Gibson (the novel that coined the terms “cyberspace” and where Neo’s “The Matrix” got it’s name from). And of course, there’s always Lord of the Rings.
This help?
definatly decent ,but short ,i read throug hall of them in about 1 and a half weeks
Same here, I don’t like books that I can finish in half a day.