Back in the '80s when yo-yos were really big, the kids in my school knew all the tricks: Around the World, Rock the Baby, Walk the Dog. . . etc. I, on the other hand, could only do the basic up and down motion, and even that caught me up sometimes.
Enter the Power Brain XP from Yomega Corp., a company that claims to have led the yo-yo craze of the '90s. Designed for beginners, this yo-yo has a centrifugal clutch mechanism to make yo-yo-ing easier. After you perform a trick, the yo-yo will automatically return to your hand, even if you make a mistake. It works by opening up to allow a long spin, and then closes to force the yo-yo to return. Simple as that. I could have used this back in the day.
The yo-yo also has a “smart switch” inside that enables yo-yoers to switch between automatic return and manual return modes. So when you get advanced enough, you can lose the training wheels and yo-yo unfettered.
It sells for $12.95 (USD) with several color choices. So, what do you think. Would you buy this?
I used to have an xbrain which was also made by yomega and was pretty much what you are describing, at the time I loved it, but after it breaking a bunch of times, it just wasn’t worth it. I came to love the Fast Eddy Shooters back then and I remember loving them alot despite the fact that they ate up yo-yo strings like no other. I can still remember the time I did an around the world and the yo-yo broke the string and shot into the TV, fortunatly TVs are surprisingly extremely hard to smash, but at the time I was very frightened.
Xbrains are fun to play around with, and are GREAT to learn tricks on. But if you want something better, look HERE for the best on the market and my personal fav.
wow that is kinda cool, even for a yo-yo. is there any kind of thingy to stop th estring twisting, cause i rekon thats what pisses people off th emost.
If it pisses you off, you don’t know how to yo-yo as there are some tricks that untwist it, like the flying saucer… or maybe I just made that name up, but I know what it is: throw it to the side and let it spin parallel with the ground. I used to be the best in my 4th grade class at yo-yoing, which was in 1990. I had a very old Duncan Yoyo, that was quite heavier than those Duncans available at the time. I traded something for it with my next door neighbor.
It really depends on how old the person youre buying it for is and if they have had any experience. Brains are fine for absolute beginners, but once they start to do more than the basics like rock the baby, etc, then they’ll want something with a ballbearing that doesn’t have the centrifuge.
Check out the Lyn Fury also, its a really good yo yo for the price.
You can find them for around 50bucks on ebay and such. I don’t actually own one either, but I’ve used one many a times. Being able to sleep for several minutes at a time is wayyy cool.
You need a way to get it to return and with just a very good bearing you’ll never be able to get it to come back up… It’d just be a yo. When you yank on the yo-yo, the axle will hit the brake pads, thereby making friction and it will return. This would definitly be better than a yomega as you then choose when it’ll come back up and it apparently spins forever.
I have the yomega x- brain, I got it in a mcdonalds happy meal, and I still use it. I can get it to sleep for about 2min max before the clutch activates and pulls it up.
I really want one of the espesinve ones, one with a butterfly design, not a full butterfly, but just some flare to make string tricks easier. Then, a reasonable price. =p