i made this guy unicycle

i made this guy unicycle…ha ha(he was biking)

uh the pic didnt sow up whatever someone delete

reply again with the pic

yeah post the pic again… I really want to see it.

Yeah, or at least keep trying so we can have fun with a pointless thread!

seems u’re finally coming around ?

Since no pictures seems to be forthcoming, why don’t you graphically describe what happened?

I’m curious. Did you mesmerize him to get him to unicycle? If so was your method optical or auricular or some combination?

Was some sort of leather bondage humiliation technique used to induce this non-voluntary unicycling? If so did you go with black leather or one of those nice red numbers?

Or was all this unsubtley accomplished at gunpoint? At least let us know the make and model of the weapon.

Come on, kids want to know.

Yeah I want to know what happened. and pointless threads are fun to read, and they are pointless:p

im resurecting this beast, show us a pic… please


LOL! this is now my sig. that was hilarious.