I made $175 in two hours

I went busking last night and it was a the biggest race day Ive seen it was called “the stradbroke cup” anyways i went busking with my guitar and i made $175 ,so I now have $350 roughly i need to count my money and it is prbably more but still ,$175yay!
pictures coming soon

Wow thats a hell of alot of money for busking… Wish I was good enough at something to be able to earn some money through busking. Good job, you should play your guitar whilst idling on your uni i’m sure that would earn you some more money :wink:

Wow you should do that every day!

ever tried idle playing bloody hard due to my schlatter

and muni addict i get one of those days about twice a year

but i counted and i found i have $536.35 kickass

Well done! What songs do you play?

all the through:

bits and peices:
scar tissue
iron man
war pigs
under the bridge
venice queen

and some random riffs i have learnt from people

Busking is great. Not only is it an excellent opportunity to practice(skills, performance, control etc.) but you can make madd bank doing it.

Last time I busked, which was almost 4 years ago, I was approached by a local art gallery and asked to ride around the area on designated days for pay and discounts on really cool art. I do the job for free every time, just because I’d rather get something cool instead of money for literally no work.

I’m pretty sure there’s an other thread(s) that discusses this topic in depth.

Do you just play or sing as well?


basically how my one friend makes money, one day i asked him what he did that day and he sayed"i typed in a[ and a I and a 5 and a ? and a } and a | and a"

ah yes and he makes $2000 a day!

i cant sing to save my life
so no

Daniel, I hate you. I’m also incredibly envious. Good job, though. That’s pretty awesome. Do you busk regularly, or just one those two days?

I’m the same way.

That’s pretty good. I wouldn’t like busking, because you have to interact too closely with the crowd…

Later this summer I’ll make $500 in about 2 hours doing a trials demo/show at a nearby county fair. :-p But that takes a good deal more work, as well as setting up trials obstacles and stuff.

With busking all you did was idle around and play on the sidelines right?

Wow that is so awesome. I want to get paid to ride.

what about that thing at six flags?

They never call us back. Cody worked there for a while uniing. I worked there for a day before they got rid of our jobs and at the last minute they said i couldnt even uni because I was 15 at the time and they decided I needed to be 16 (and I was a month away from being 16). So they let me follow Cody around and give out bracelets and happy birthday stickers…
I cant complain though, I made close to $200 that day because I think they messed up the paycheck.

[QUOTE=Spencer Hochberg]
So they let me follow Cody around and give out bracelets and happy birthday stickers…


nah i just waited about 90m away from the exit gates and played