Thought I’d beat billham to the punch and post about our parade tonight. I think we could safely say it was a good time had by all. It was our first parade as a group. With most of the participants being amateurs I think it went pretty well. The crowd seemed to enjoy it. Bystander that I am, I walked with the group and passed out business cards to anyone interested in possibly joining us. Thanks again Bill, for arranging everything!
I’m so glad that you had a good parade. Parades are a blast!
The MUC had a parade last night, too. We rode the Collierville, TN holiday parade and had a great time. We had a total of 20 folks out and ranged in age from 7 - 50ish. We ended the cold evening (by Southern standards) with a group gathering at an all-you-can-eat pizza place. We’ll post the pics as soon as we get them.
BillHam - Lookin’ good, man!
We had 7 riders and 4 non-riders for the parade. The photo posted by uni-mom shows 6 of the riders. The smallest rider in the photo is my daughter (proud papa). As always, I enjoyed the parade, especially with 5 first time parade uni riders. One of our young members had never been in a parade before. Pretty cool to be in your first parade and to do it on a uni!
Temp was around freezing but was comfortable for us “northerners”. Afterwards we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream, (although my wife did get hot chocolate).
I made up business cards with info that we ride every Tuesday night, where, and my contact info. Quite a few cards were handed out during the parade, especially by the parade walkers who were able to talk with the spectators who uttered remarks that showed they might be interested in learning to ride. It’ll be fun to see if we pick up a few people from the cards.
Fun, fun, fun!
I crashed my hometown (Millington, TN) parade today. I dressed in my best holiday attire then found a group that looked sort of like me and I asked if I could tag along with them. Reactions from the crowd were great as usual. I was the only unicycle rider in the parade.
What a great way to spend a pleasant, sunny Saturday afternoon.
mucRider - I never thought of “crashing” a parade and just joining in with a group. Fun idea and a great way for a singe uni to get in on the action easily and last minute.